
Electric cars on gmtv this morning, am I the only one who didn't get it ?

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Time to rant again - another feckin' brainstorm from Gordon Brown and his moronic coterie !!! Is this guy for fuggin real ?

Earlier on this week he's telling us that we throw too much food away - when was the last time that fecker did the shopping at Tesco's ? or cooked his own tea ??

and now he's telling us that we should be driving electric cars that have a range of 40 miles and a top speed of 40mph !!!

Then there's this cretin of a reporter telling us that we never need go to the garage again - er, HELLO ????!!!! does fecking electricity grow on fecking trees ? NO, we have to pay for it. Can you imagine how much your electric bills are gonna shoot through the roof when we have to fully recharge a car every 40 miles !!

on the other hand - I could be completely wrong ( it wouldn't be the first time !!), but I do feel better for having had a wee rant !!

be interested to hear anyones opinion.





  1. I missed it but I was told electric cars use about as much electricity to charge each time as a microwave oven for three minutes on high.  I really can't remember what show I saw that on, but I know it was on TV.  However, I drive more than 40 miles a day and that wouldn't cut it for me.

  2. Seems to be a credit crunch on at present

    Strange how people cant afford cars, petrol, or Food

    But the new APPLE IPHONE has sold out before UK launch on friday

    But they have got spare cash for a new mobile phone !!


  3. Bravo! Best rant I've read in ages.

    The man is a moron - this government is moronic - the 'green' incentives and ideas are idiotic.

    Hmmm...idea - "increase fuel prices and taxes so people will drive less". No you dopey ****er - people don't drive for the fun of it - it's so we can get to work and have a life.

    Way to go - put us all back the the friggin' middle ages. Unable to travel outside your own town (unless you have a LOT of spare cash floating around) - and with no public transport infrastucture.

    (**********insert expletives of your choice*********!!!)

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