
Electric cars still produce emissions so why buy one?

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It still takes energy to move an object. Your electric car is not generating the energy by using an internal combustion engine BUT the power plant does have to generate more energy so that you can plug in your car at night therefore producing more emmisions. So is it realy worth it? A slow, light, death trap with batteries that still produces waste or a big heavy, safer suv that still produces waste? The only difference I see is where the waste comes out and how safe you are in your car.




  1. Electric cars DO NOT produce emissions.  

    What you are describing is a faulty circular logic: we will die anyway, so why live?

    A better logic would be: let's solve one problem at a time.

    The operative word here is EVOLUTION. Increment changes.  

    I repeat, you DO NOT wait for one part of the society to improve wholesale, you contribute what little you can.

    Electric car is one solution, Off-shore Wind Power Farms, Solar panel plants, etc.  is another.

  2. the energy produced in big power plants is created far more efficiently.  its impossible to eliminate waste(or improbable at this time), but to reduce the waste is important.  your statement is similar to saying, both an SUV and a motorcycle produce waste, but an SUV is safer.  so what does it matter?

    well, a motorcycle goes 5-10 times farther on the same consumption, or waste...

  3. you produce green gas too, so what gives?

  4. Because even with the current rather environmentally unfriendly US grid mix (52% coal), you still get a big greenhouse gas emissions reduction by using an electric vehicle over an internal combustion vehicle.  

    "EVs reduce CO2 by 11%-100% compared with ICEs and by 24%-54% compared with HEVs, and significantly reduce all other greenhouse gas emissions, using the U.S. grid mix. If all U.S. cars were EVs, we’d reduce global warming emissions."

    I've got a discussion with further details in the link below.

  5. You are right. First we have have to generate electricity using renewable sources. Then we can use electric car.

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