
Electric head razor expert help!?

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my boyfriend wants me to give him a haircut..not completely buzzed though. my dads electric shaver has settings 1, 2, 3, 4

which would be best? serious answers please




  1. First off, it's your dads razor. ASK his permission to use it on your boyfriends head, HE may not want you to. If its okay with him, ask him which setting is the longest. If its too long you can set it shorter and do it again. If you cut it too short he'll have to wait for it too grow back.

  2. If there's no adapters with it, just a couple adjustable settings, he'll probably look like he's been scalped.  You need a trimmer with adapters, they're less than $20 at walmart if I remember correctly and you'll have alot more lengths you can choose from.  I cut my son's hair all the time with one.  With today's barber prices, it will pay for itself in 2 uses.

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