
Electric meter keys Are they robbing us??????????????

by  |  earlier

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We had a new change to the electric meter key. With the old card before this, if you went into your emergency electric, say you only used £2 out of the £5 they give you, then you would pay the £2 you had used in your emergancy. Now what keeps happening with mine is i use £3 pound of emergancy and i put £15 that would normally when i used the old card would leave me £12 of electric and the emergancy is payed. Now i put £15 in and i was left with £8.80 electric, i think i have a faulty meter has anyone else found this problem with theres?, keeping in mind i have never been in any kind of debt with the electric so i am not paying any debt off. i pay as i use.




  1. They certainly are. Get it checked out. Something is wrong. You should have £13 if you only used £2 of emergency when topping it up by £15.

    I have an Electric meter and they want to change it but I just will not be in the house because I know they would do something like that to mine and rob me.

  2. if you live in a apartment house disconnect all the power using things in your apartment and check the meter it should not be moving.

    if it is turn off circuit by circuit till you find where the power is going.

    in many apartment houses it is easy to tap the neighbors circuits and cut the power bills.

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