
Electrical Engineering - Essential skills?

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What are the essential skills needed to be an eletrical engineer - lookign at it as a potential job in later life






  1. These days it's about experience. You can go to school to learn it, and you might know it like the back of your hand. But in the end some other guy gets the job cause he's been doin it for a couple of years.

    Entry level positions are hard to find, but how do you get experience if no one will hire you.

    And it helps to know someone who knows someone.

  2. math, esp. algebra, vectors, various transformations - Laplace, Fourier, Z, etc.

    ability to handle circuit complexities,

    ability to apply knowledge,

    ability to correlate theory and practicals...

  3. Math and English will be a standard requirement, but like someone else said... it wont make much difference how good you are without experience you are in a bad position, it is a fun job and i am currently studying electrical installations level 3, really fun to know all this stuff, witha  bit of experience being an electrical engineer opens many doors for alot of different jobs such as teacher, inspector, installer, and even a designer of elctrical systems.

  4. math

    ability to think logically

    ability to solve problems

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