
Electrical outlets kills tools with a motor?

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Shortly after moving into this house I've had several power tools die on my (nothing happens when you press the button). Also we have a new sweeper that only works in small spurts then stops working. The other day the jets were on on tub and wife was running the sweeper. The sweeper stopped working and the jets also went off for some reason. Several minutes later (I assume my wife unplugged the sweeper), the jets kicked back on. What in the world could be causing these issues?




  1. I sold my house years ago, but we had a similar problem and they had to replace the main outlet/fuse box with a bigger one.

    Have an electrician come out..he will check the outlets etc. to see what voltage they are giving out etc.

    Be careful as fires can start with faulty wiring.

  2. You would need a trained electrician to look at it and figure out what is going on.  You didn't say how the tools died, whether they burned out or just quit running.  From here, I'd say you have a low voltage problem which could mean that you have one side of your 220V house service out.  By plugging things into outlets you complete the circuits between the 220V legs but you are not getting full voltage because you are now operating on a series circuit.  That means the leg of the 220V service is now getting voltage but it is going through an appliance which is cutting it down thus making it lower.  It could be as simple of a problem as a fuse on the service side of the line.  A bad line coming to the house.  a bad breaker or loose connection in the meter or breaker box.  It could also be wiring that was put in by an amateur who didn't wire the house to code.  You really need an electrician to check it out since I have no way of doing it from here.  

  3. You have a poor connection in one of your outlets. These are usually piggybacked to feed other outlets. When high current passes through the poor connection, it starts arching, and will burn the area affected. This is a dangerous condition, and should be looked at by someone who is proficient in electrical work.

  4. You have some serious electrical problems - call an electrician to sort it out.

  5. Could be any thing from the service from the power company to something in the home call the PRO and sleep well at nights!

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