
Electricians - shortage in Britain?

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are prospects good for people wanting to train to be an electrician?




  1. Just what dels says....

    there's plenty of work if your in the right area. The training should be long & very very detailed. If its not, your not fully trained.

    And you can use your EMF to moonlight as a ghost hunter hehehehe :D

  2. Yes very. But you must be fully qualified.Expect to spend quite a long time training,both inthe classroom and on the job training.

  3. My boyf is an electrician and gets gud pay and opportunities to make money ''on the side''.

    But do expect to do a lot of training..x

  4. A lot of electricians are now out of work because they don't have the P certification that is now needed. If you are willing to undergo the full training to get this, (that's normal electrician training then some more), I would have thought you would find plenty of work.

  5. My father is a self-employed electrician and is never short of work and we live in a quiet area.  Then again, he is well known in the area and prices his work very honestly.

    There is a lot of new legislation though and he has recently had to to a 'part p' course and must now do a lot more paperwork for the niceic than he used to!

  6. I work in construction, It's booming and shows no sign of stopping.

    So, Yes, any trade has good prospects.

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