
Electricity? Fractions? I don't get it..and I am 35 yearsold?

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I have read tons of books on division and fractions..I don't understand. While we are at it, help me understand the basic concept of how electicity (energy) is derived ..please be specific, kind and leave out the wise cracks.




  1. The first sources of electricity were based on the concept of DC or direct current. When Ben Franklin was flying his kite, he was seeking DC electricity. DC is the same kind of power that we get from batteries. With DC, the current or electrons move in one direction. If you notice, a battery has distinct poles, one positive, and one negative. The current flows from the negative pole to the positive pole. The advantage of using DC power is that it is easy to control. DC is the power of choice for electronic equipment. Computers use low voltage DC power to operate their components.

  2. You are pretty vague here.  What don't you understand about fractions and division?  Basically division is the opposite of multiplication, calculating how many times a smaller number goes into a larger number.  A fraction is a mathematical way of expressing a part of the whole; 1/2 is half of the whole thing.  Or were you talking about dividing fractions?  See the problem here?  

    All elements have atoms consisting of electrons travelling around a nucleus. (in a very basic sense),  in a conductor, such as copper, some of these electrons can be moved from one electron to another by creating a situation where there is an excess at one end of the wire and less at the other end.  This results in an electrical current in the wire.

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