
Electricity-like feeling when touching someone's skin? Anyone experienced this weird feeling??

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I was touching my bf's waist with my fingertips and it felt like they were vibrating, or like electricity. I have no idea what could have caused it, but a few minutes later it didn't work anymore. what could this have been??




  1. It could have been his cell phone going off and you didn't know it. Maybe it was a static discharge... I don't think so though.

    Possibly get your B12 level checked out and a blood test.

  2. Static electricity.This happens when you walk on a carpet or wear synthetic cloths the rubing between body and dress creates static which is stored due to shoes which keep the person insulated.

    When a person touches the charged body,charge gets discharged through the second perons body.

  3. Yes, I know exactly what you mean. When you rub the surface lightly your finger seems to "buzz" across it as if it is vibrating.

    I don't know exactly what causes it but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the body picking up mains-frequency electrical fields coming from house wiring. You can also get it on a metal surface if it is not earthed (grounded) properly. If the surface or body is grounded, or touching metal that is grounded, then it goes away.

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