
Electricity use. does this actually use energy?

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i know that if u pug a tevlevision in and flick on the swich but dont turn on the tevevision u still use electricity. but wat i u plug in a mobile charger, flick the switch on but dont actually charge the phone?





  1. Many battery chargers trickle electricity to the batteries no matter what.  The battery has chemicals that react when they are charged and just give off heat.  It probably depends on the kind of charger.

  2. Hey,

    Anything with a transformer will use electricity if it is switched on from the wall socket, even if there is no load on the transformer. This is what happens on all these small mobile phone transformers as well as most other devices.

    Just about every device at home uses a transformer, a few exceptions might be a fridge, heaters or toasters

    The transformer uses electricity even if there is no load due to two effects - "eddy currents" being formed in the transformer core and "hysteresis" loss as the magnetic field swaps 50 times per second in the core.

    If you would like more info on these, I recommend searching them up on google but I don't think the details are too relevant.

    So where possible, turn off the devices from the wall instead of just using stand by.

  3. Yes, it will use a small amount of energy though not as much as when the phone is charging. Anything with a plug pack will use energy when plugged in and switched on.

    Hope this helps.


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