
Electronic Voting in America?

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The 'powers that be' in America want the population to vote electronically. I'm really scared that this is certain to lead to fixing the results.

Is this another step down the road to tyrany and enslavement?




  1. ...

  2. No, the idiot respondent who wrote that most Americans think e-voting foolproof has it wrong. Those of you interested can hunt up the very extensive NY Times article written last year on the subject. There is so much to the issue that no single pat answer suffices. The gist, however, is that e-voting is problematic in ways that are hard to even imagine.

  3. Although it's advanced and much more convenient, it's also a h**l of a lot easier to fix then written votes.

  4. It's probably a trick!

  5. In the last election in the US i remember all sorts of problems with bits of paper not being punched properly.  Were they call chads or something.

    Disallowing those votes let GWB in with less than the majority of votes.

  6. I find it a rather bad Idea myself, did a Dutch tv programme years ago not prove that they could hack into the system and alter the voting. I think you can find that on google video sadly not subtitled but let me tell a few things here what they done. They fixed the machine not to accept one in a hundred votes for one Candidate during there little investigation.  It was why Irish politicians called for the electronic voting machines not to be used. Also it went to court and and it was found unconstitutional under Irish law not to have a system where the voting can be checked over by a court official if a claim was brought to court against the result. Sorry my answer is long but I thought it be a good idea to give a clear picture of the dangers of such a method.

  7. We have the same problem in the UK - not with electronic machines, but with postal votes. The government are keen to get us voting by post - perhaps coincidentally, there has been a series of scandals, some of which ended up in court, where postal votes have been manufactured on an industrial scale in favour of the party currently in power.

    With electronics, vote manufacturing would be even easier.

    There is of course no totally secure and anonymous system. However, the old-fashioned ballot in a box seems to offer the best option. We have seen in commerce how financial scams have mushroomed since e-trading and the absence of verifiable paper documents became normal.

    Why should it be different in elections?

  8. what is even more scary, is, that most americans believe this to be a foolproof voting system.

  9. they can fix it no matter how we vote , last time i voted i put my card in a box with a bunch of old ladies guarding it , who knows what they do after you are gone , they could have a whole box full of fake votes for everyone in the whole county and switch them after we leave

  10. The future of democracy is having a little video camera

    above the TV set.Periodically people will be able to vote using the remote. They will vote on any number of issues and win prizes etc etc. Why should it be just once every four years. Continual voting would be harder to fix.

  11. Just the latest tool of The New World Order.

    Technology will enable Corporate America to create a system of control that is beyond Stalin, Huxley and Orwell.

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