
Electronics-artograph wall projector help?

by  |  earlier

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i bought an artograph wall projector and i just used it for the first time today. i had it set up and someone came by and knocked it over and it fell on the ground. Now the light wont work in it. Does anyone have any idea what is wrong or what i can do? I unscrewed the light bulb and put it back in, but that didnt work. I cant change it cause you have to order the light bulb and they cost like 10 dollars. Help!!!

here is the link to it




  1. I'm a little confused, the site you link to says the bulb is $1.49, maybe you are including shipping?

    Anyway, if that is the model you have, the Artograph web site says it uses a "Standard 100-watt bulb" any hardware or many grocery stores should have one.

    Now if you have another model that that might be a problem, I see the "Tracer Junior" uses a florescent that does cost about $10, but if it screws in, I'd guess that there is a good chance that a similar size compact fluorescent form the local hardware store will work.

    A if the light was on when if fell, a broken filament in the lamp is probably the most likely problem, and it is still fairly likely even if the lamp was off

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