
Electronics in school...need help to support my argument?!?

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At my school, we're not allowed to have ANY electronics :(...I have to write a persuasive essay using arguments of why it should be okay for students to use them (ipods, gaming devices, cell phones) during study halls and lunch times. Can anyone help support my arguments with facts? or a strong argument? thanks!!




  1. Study hall is a time to go over the days homework or to study... hence the name.  take the time as an advantage so you can have more time at home to do other things.

  2. It's your free time and it's not hurting anyone else. Cell phones are also a need due to possible emergencies.

  3. well idk wat to say but that would be awsome u could use like it helps us concetrate or that for gaming devices should be allowed because they usually make us read but really none of use do we just start talking loud and playing around which is bad for the teacher u could be like if we are playing games were concentrating on the game and being silent or close to it sorry but i can't help much . well hope i gave a idea to start or sumthing

  4. They can help you stay awake.

    Help you enjoy your day and not be moody.

    Someone could be ADD and it calms them to listen to their Ipod. Lol.

    If you want to make the teacher c**p his pants, look up online a graph that shows that people work better with music. Print it and attach it with your essay.


  5. a lot of studys show that people can study better when listening to music. i hope that helps a little.

  6. we have the same thing at school. but the only thing we can bring is a cd player/cassette

    anyway, i agree with our school because its for our protection! what if they get lost? either way, you could just surrender them during classes them get them back during lunch. make them see reason if u rily want this to happen. make them see ur more mature of taking care of ur things

  7. Oh I am so old. In my day we were not even allowed to have a calculator in math class.

    Perhaps a ipod if you were listening to educational programing! Cell phone for emergency use, like 911, or Collinbine.

    Gaming devices, your on your own.

  8. there really isnt a strong argument for your position.

    if i were you id work on trying to refute the arguments against your position, such as the potential of electronics such as you mention to allow cheating and disruption

  9. cell phones are necessary in case of emergency

    ipods and gaming devices aren't hurting anybody and can be used to pass the time in study hall

    people should be allowed to have their possessions on them if they HAVE to go to school as long as there isn't anything harmful about them. otherwise, it's like a prison.

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