
Electrostatics - Combs and materials?

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Plastic comb is rubbed with wool making it acquire a negative charge. Which of the following would it repeal and/or attract: eraser, glass, ballons?

Also comb is rubbed with polyester. What charge would it acquire? and which of the following would it repeal and/or attract: eraser, glass, balloons?

Also, how would I organize the list in order from the most electronegative to the most electropositive. Plastic is more electronegative than wool




  1. Interesting question, because all of these items are of balance or neutral charge until some activiy has caused the items to become electron deficeint or electron ricth.

    The items in balance will be attracted to any item which has a surplus or deficency in electons. It is called a difference in potential, and the two items will try to become elctronically equal in charge. The two items from the reaction, where the dirrenence in potential was built will be the most attracted, because they are the most out of balance or have the greatest difference in potential.

    Remeber, static electricty is a charge, not an atomic valence of an element or material, or ions.

    :- ) Me!

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