
Elemental or Destiny Heroes that is the question? Which would you preferably run if you had to chose?

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With the new outcome of fusion monsters there comes a time for a person to stick with one type of hero, not two! While many of us use destiny heroes for their amazing effects( draw cards and special summon), elemental hero monsters are being aided by super cool spells and traps. Thus fusing the ultimate monster if it hits the field! But the only problem is there are too many assist cards to use and not enough useful e-heroes. New monsters like prisma, ocean, and stratos boost our monsters chances of survival. Along with the gemini allius neos, you get a power house monster with 1900atk. But the chances of you using polymer are slim. Now with evil heroes you have twice the chance to bring out awesome monsters.with future fusion limited and being unable to specuial summon removed from play monsters, e-heroes seem to desapate fast. While destiny monsters pop up twice a turn! disk commander,plasma, and fear monger you can have monsters and useful cards. E-heros:to many spells.D-hero:Combos




  1. D hero are what the pro use and they work if you know how your them and E hero have a lot and I mean a lot of synenergy

    hope this helps

  2. h**l, e-heroes have never stopped getting support like d-heroes have, but still, d-end or no d-end, d-heroes are so much better than e-heroes simply because of their common ability to manipulate your next cards, like d-draw and disk getting them early, fear monger recycling, dasher specialing right away, diamond cycling the top card and feeding you COSTLESS spells and malicious speeding up the deck and summoning process.

    however, d-heroes will need the support of a certain e-hero, stratos, as he speeds up all hero decks and makes them all playable by providing an 1800 level 4 beater

    e-heroes: too slow and an all around indecisive build, d-heroes: speed, speed, speed

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