
Elementary Education-Help?

by Guest60531  |  earlier

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I need some advice on what to take this semester at school...I am going for elementary education.

I have already taken English Composition 1, Art Appreciation, Oral Communications, 2 Biologys, American History 1 & 2, Principles of Psychology, an economics and a computer class.

I know I'm going to be taking English Comp 2 and a Math this semester but I need 2 more classes and need help!!




  1. You sound like you're still working on your core classes so I would get all of your maths out of the way if you can handle it.  I am horrible at math so that's what I did so I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.  If you can take a child psychology class that is interesting.

    Good luck with your career.  I teach second grade.  

    Are you sure you want to do this!?  Just kidding.  :)

  2. ummmmmmmm

    take gym


    skip the rest

    and if their is a fun class then take it.

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