
Elementary School Teaching...?

by  |  earlier

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what is the different cirriculum you must teach to the kids.

1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade




  1. Depends on the state.  This information is usually posted on line.  Do an online search for "YOURSTATE Department of Education"  then look for curriculum.  I can tell you for Virginia if you happen to live here.....

  2. I think gone are the days of this method of teaching. Slowly but surely a new principle of education is emerging with the following rules :

    1) Nothing can be taught. A teacher is a helper and a guide.

    2) A child should be consulted  in his growth. Nothing should be barbarously pushed down the throat of the student .

    3) Work from near to far.

    Th classes and the students will be far more lively, if these princioles are adhered to.

  3. There is a HUGE difference.  It all depends on your state's mandated curriculum, which due to NCLB, is seeming to change on a nearly yearly basis.  

    Sometimes the concepts may be similar - teaching plants in all three grades, but the depth of knowledge is different.  You build upon the previous years experience and knowledge and take the kids farther into the concept.

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