
Elementary age child needs help at school?

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My son is elementary school and is behind all his classmates. He has Cerebral Palsy and has some minor brain damage. He is going to be going through remedial reading and the school is also going to test him for other learning disabilities. I work with him every night on his school work and some extras. Is there anything else I can do for him and what should I expect from what the school is doing for him?




  1. Ah, my niece has a similar issue. She goes to a British School in America. She's just been told she has epilepsy a few months ago and she's 14. She's normal, in the sense that she can do her work on her own and she acts normal. Her school is trying to understand her medical problems, as they have never had a child with serious medical problems before. At first it was rocky, but then her mom (my sister), and I really pushed it on them. They should try their hardest to make the child feel "normal" but still make sure that some how, the child can keep up with the school as she or he did before the medical problem occured.

  2. If you are in the US you can expect the school to develop an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan). Unless he is new to the school, they should have already done this.

    The purpose is to provide the least restrictive educational environment possible for your child while also providing the support he needs to be successful in school.

    The IEP states goals for your child and modifications to be made for him by his teachers. For example, if the CP affects his fine motor skills and his class is learning cursive writing, his IEP may state that cursive is not required as long as his printing is legible. If he can't participate in regular Phys Ed classes, they should provide adaptive PE that focuses on developing the skills he needs...walking unassisted instead of playing kickball, for example.

    The school should invite you to a meeting about his IEP. Be prepared. Be aware of your child's strengths and weaknesses. Have some ideas in mind for goals you want to be included in his IEP and know what you think might be detrimental. For example, if his speech is clear except for a list, you don't want him seeing a speech therapist/pathologist three hours a week when he can't yet manage the bathroom by himself because he doesn't have the fine motor skills to manipulate the toilet paper.

    You have rights regrading the IEP. Check the link below for more info on that.

    Also, if the school tells you he doesn't qualify for an IEP, check into a 504. This is a statement that requires similar modifications to an IEP but the requirements for obtaining one are a little different. There is a link below for that, too.

  3. transfer him to a school for special children.

  4. Is he having testing for learning disabilities to see if he can qualify for special ed services? Schools do not do testing ''just to see'' what the childs problems are.

    If so, go to and learn the special ed laws called IDEA.

    Most schools are corrupt when it comes to special ed and most do not qualify children even if they DO qualify. THey can tell when parents don't know the laws and legal process to get a child qualified, so they will do any kind of c**p to keep the child from qualifying.

    You can search google to find LOTS of info on this. It is happening all across the country and NO ONE is doing a thing about it.

    Sorry this is so negative, but it is the TRUTH.  

    Oh yea, the schools are ONLY legally obligated to help with childs problems if they are in speicial ed or have 504 plan.

    If not, they do not have to do a thing. Hence, the reason for not qualifying for special ed.

  5. You should expect to have to become a great advocate. There are a lot of issues for you to deal with ahead. Join a local support group, this will help alot. Research on the net is great and look up your States policy on special education, as well as 504.

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