
Elementary/ jr high/ high school self defense policies

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why do most schools (in califonia at least) have a zero tolerance for fighting... even if you where in no way the agressor, both students will be automatically suspended and possibly expelled... when i was younger i remember being attacked unprovoked at school i defended my self their where advisors and teachers around to agree with my side of the story... i went to the principals office and i told her what happened and she said "self defense isnt allowed" so i suppose your supposed to get pummled till someone rescues you?

why such a policy?




  1. Because almost always the aggressor will lie and say the defender started it and will get a group of his friends to back him up.  It became so impossible to learn the truth that this was the only way the PC Education "experts" (who are almost never in the real world) could think of to stop the fighting.  

    Unfortunately, all it has done is give a new tool to the bullies.  Now the bullies taunt a victim to the point where he breaks, then when the victim finally does break, the agressor will do nothing.  The victim goes to Alternative School, the bully stays on campus and has a big laugh, then jumps the victim off-campus.

  2. That policy sounds sad, is this what they want to happen to kids?

  3. its cuz schools suck big ones  

  4. Because Most Likely Its a He Said She Said Situation

  5. THAT IS SSSOOOOO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow i cant believe that b/c self defence is better thatn just letting him beat you up!!!!! ugh that is unjust!!!! the policy is omly good if it is provoked and the self defence turns into you beating the kid up. well that is stupid  

  6. idk

  7. w/o even reading the details I have to say its nice to have graduated high school and believe me dont get involved you will all mature and wish you have never fought. Its not worth it, get you education. Basically, if you're involved you are in the court room (yah know what I mean).


  8. I know, over here we have ZERO tolorance too, if you walking in the hall and someone randomly beats you up, you both get suspended and recommended to the board for expelsion

  9. In my opinion is cause their b*****d pacifists you should be allowed to defend yourself.  

  10. I have no idea and dont understand that either at my schools it was always stand there and get hit and nothing will happen to you or fight back and get suspended.

    Help me please:;...

  11. yes, bcuz defense is involvement

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