I am considering becoming a elementary school teacher. I would love to be able to teach children. I don't think that I know of anything that would be more rewarding than to help children learn new and important things that will help them better themselves. I think that I would be a good canidate to teach because I am very personnable and understanding and caring, but I think that I would also be able to take control.
The thing is, my husband thinks that I don't know enough to teach. He is someone who can learn something and be able to have that for the rest of his life. I, on hte other hand, will forget things that I haven't used in 15 years, but once I am refreshed on it I know it! I really wanted to teach English/Literature and he feels that to teach these things that I should know all the great works inside and out and that I should passionate about these works. I think that this is true to a point, but not the way that he feels about it.