
Elements you might encounter in your everyday life?

by  |  earlier

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Could you list some examples of elements you might encounter in everyday life, but it can't include any compound. thanks




  1. Oxygen - you breathe it

    Nitrogen - you also breathe it in, but don't use it.

    Helium - used to fill kids balloons to make them rise

    Copper - used in piping

    titanium - used in hip implants and some medical applications

    gold and silver and more recently platinum - jewellery

    These are all elements

  2. Gold (jewelery)

    Silver (jewelery)

    Titanium (jewelery)

    Copper (water pipes and electrical wires)

    Oxygen (in the air you breath)

    Helium (in balloons)

    Carbon (coal or diamonds)

  3. I can't believe they both forgot aluminum! You wrap your sandwich with it.

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