
Elite XC on CBS = the reason why combat sports arent on Network TV??

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Come on, every fight was stopped prematurely for the fact it was on network TV. Especially the Gina fight. KT had a lil mouse under her eye and they swore it was closed shut. I like how mainstream America is accepting MMA as a sport(Im an amatuer boxer, will be going pro in 4 years, and would love to see some boxing on CBS but anyways) BUT, it cant work. The stoppages ruined the whole night for me.

What do you think about Elite XC on CBS last nite and do you think MMA is a fit for network TV??




  1. I think it went pretty bad for elite xc.  The last 3 fights, which were the best fights were all ended prematurely and Kimbo's fight looked fixed. How he wins that after spending the entire fight on the ground I don't know. Elite will lose alot of creditability and my guess is they won't be on prime time again.  Slice was exposed as an MMA fraud and at this point he's nothing more than a strong brawler, not in very good shape and no MMA skills.  

    I will watch again and continue to follow it b/c it's decent entertainment. You have to hope that Elite learned a lesson last night to not fix fights and not stop them for no good reason if they want to keep fans interested.

  2. Yeah wtf man!? If I wanted to see a bunch of fixed scripted fights , id watch wwe.

  3. I thought the night was a disaster... I love MMA but that was some of the worst MMA action and the stoppages made it seem like a wussified version of real MMA.

    The first two fights took up an hour of the show and included less than 2 minutes of action.

    The girl fight was fun but the stoppage was to save the public from seeing a girl get mauled... It was bad and I cant get too upset about it but it wasnt a normal fight stoppage even for boxing.

    The 4th fight was on its way to being great then THAT stoppage in a showcase?  You have to be kidding me... The fighter says he can see and you stop that on a night that is supposed to introduce your sport?  What a joke.

    And finally the show ran so long that my DVR missed the last fight which pissed me off like you wouldnt believe but from everything I read Kimbo was lackluster at best.

    Nightmare for Elite XC way to shoot yourself in the foot!

  4. yeah i didnt like the premature matches either.  i think network tv is fine but i'm sure they can only go so far.  its a start.  we'll see how it goes for the next few weeks.

  5. I have to start by saying Slice should have lost that fight.  UFC would have let them keep going... and maybe even have asked him a drain his ear (he should have any way, it was a huge target... he should have just put a sign on it that said "punch here"!).  Slice is a joke, I didn't want him to win, he needs to train a h**l of a lot more before his next fight!

    Scott Smith didn't even get his full 5 minutes... that fight was c**p...

    The whole thing was c**p.  I will not be watching Elite XC again.  It gives the sport a bad name and it made a joke out of it.

    Need I say anything about the dancers or that stupid overhead cam?  You can't see c**p from that overhead cam?

    I do have to add that the Gina and Kaitlin fight.  When I found out two girls were fighting I wasn't sure what I'd think.  They were amazing!  Even my boyfriend was saying it was a great fight!!  Maybe UFC should think about some female fights for it's main events... they were amazing.

    Elite XC is done though, as it should be.

    Did you see Yoshiro Maeda Vs. Miguel Angel Torres last night?  Talk about a good fight... I hope the people from Elite were watching that, maybe they learned something!

  6. I think some of the fights were stopped too soon, but the Carano-Young fight was not. Young's eye was swollen shut and she told the doctor that she couldn't see.

    I would have loved to see that fight go another round though.

  7. i thought is was great MMA is much more exciting than boxing where all they do is dance around the ring

  8. I watched a little bit of the Elite XC, though I am not a big MMA fan and to me it looked like the fights were stopped not necessarily because of time constraits (Though that may have very well been a part of the equation) but to keep the gore to a minimum.  Anytime one of the figthers started to show some damage to the face or take a couple good shots, the announcers seemed to be screaming that they could go down any minute.  Even an amateur MMA and boxing fan like me knows that is not the case and most of the time unless it is a really nasty cut near the eye that it is superficial and really doesn't matter and that many many times fighters take alot more damage than what they did on that show and can come back.  They seemed to follow this direct policy in all but last fight where Kimbo slice took about a million unchallenged shots to the head when he was on the ground and was not defending himself.  Then when he got up and had his hand picked opponent in that situation it was stopped in his favor. Can't kill off the cash cow in the first big fight you know.

    The whole thing really left a bad taste in my mouth and I will definitely not be watching Elite XC again.  I am sure that some people will find Elite XC entertaining, but what you get is never going to be what more seasoned fans are used to.  Personally I don't believe combat sports work on Network TV, but I guess if one promotion could make it work it would be the best in town and that is undoubtedly the UFC.

  9. Elite XC is done!

  10. There's more to fighting than  watching someone get completely obliterated.  I thought the fights were competitive and exciting.  I'm optimistic to  see more fights like this on network  TV.  There's still the UFC for those that need to see fights go further.

  11. Kaitlyn had no small mouse under her eye.. you obviously need to see that again...  the last time they showed her in her corner they had a knot knocker on it and that thing was getting huge...

    I thought the fights where pritty lame last night.. most people dont even respect the sport...  they just go to see people get beat down...(kimbo slice isn't helping the sport) you could hear the crowd booing during the most of the fights....

    good luck in your boxing career..

  12. I thought the woman's fight was stopped prematurely at first, but that was no "small mouse" and you could see it swelling worse even during a two to three second camera shot on her. That thing was blowing up. Her eye would have been swollen shut before the next round started.

    In general, I thought the Kimbo stoppage was absurd. His cauliflower ear got busted open and it was very bloody. He didn't look about to go down and Kimbo had definitely lost the first two rounds.

  13. that was my first time watching elite xc and sadly to say, i will never watch another one again.

    the fights were stopped prematurely and the fighters themselves seemed like they sucked.kimbo slice is a joke. the only fight that kept me entertained was surprisingly the womens fight and that was the first womens mma fight i ever saw.

    also, we had to wait like 20 mins between each fight and then had to sit through their "entrances". i mean cmon this is not pro-wrestling.

    this was really shameful for mma. all the work they put into proving it is a legit sport and then they show this junk.

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