
Elite XC on cbs next weekend, Kimbo vs James Thompson..?

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how do ya'll see this one shaping up? it appears Thompson is another stiff. Extremly suceptable to getting hit early and going down. How do you see this shaping up? I think Slice wins by knockout within 45 seconds or sooner if slice comes out aggressive.

Also, how do you think Elite XC does on prime time? I bet this will be the first and last show.




  1. I think it will draw good ratings. They have Kimbo to thank. I think he is the only reason why it's on CBS.

  2. Kimbo Go home he sucks Gina currano could knock Thompson out elite will be OK they are backed by showtime i dint see them bankrupting in the near future CBS will love it they will get a late night rating spike and slam the sat night charts look for it in the future

  3. I think Thompson is any easy opponent for Kimbo Slice.

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