
Elizabeth Fritzl the women who was held in the cellar for 24 years?

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I saw MSNBC on Sunday night about this women who was held by her father in the cellar for 24 years....she gave birth to 7 of his children during that time....does anyone know anything more about it or how to get more info ??




  1. i really don't want to hear more about this. sends chills down my spine.

  2. I read about this few months ago . I  saw the picture of her dad on the yahoo news.... and Rreally He looks like a devil to me. I might not get sleep if I know further how did that devil father of her  treated her. I'm sorry. I can't help you but share  my feelings towards this incident.

  3. Check this c**p out. This guy is pure evil!

  4. I read a little about it when the story broke a few months or so ago. I don't understand why the mother did nothing!

  5. and ok???

  6. That was in the news MONTHS ago.  Try Google.

  7. That's totally inhumane and sick.  Shoot the b*stard.  Wait...that's too humane...have California Raisin cook her famous t******e recipe...

  8. Should probably find more info on BBC.. I remember reading an article about her on there.

  9. I hadn't heard about this... so sad... but I just googled and tons of stuff came up so use that and find out more.

  10. The most bizarre thing about this story is the fact that his wife claimed she didn't know what was going on.  I can hardly believe she didn't notice the frequency with which her husband kept popping down to the cellar,or wonder what he was doing down there.

  11. What I found particularly interesting about this sick sick case was the mother's inability to see anything unusual was going on-in spite of the following: "Three of Elisabeth's younger children were each left on her parents' doorstep, the first accompanied by a letter saying she could not look after the baby herself."

    Wouldn't you get suspicious about just what was going on with your daughter if kids who looked like her-and your husband-and yourself-kept showing up on your doorstep? I am not minimizing the crimes that the father committed that he is fully responsible for. But I am continually amazed at how many people can live with crazy violent people and manage not to notice a single thing out of the ordinary

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