
Ello!!! i havent been on in a while whats new???

by  |  earlier

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  1. ello emo boy^-^

    what's new?...nothing really! just a bunch of people asking the same questions again and again^-^

    By the way....i dunno much about emo...but is it true that people with that style hurt themselves? cz i've heard ppl say that but i dunno if it's true cz many of them just like to gossip and lie ;s  

  2. well not that much....except for your question..that's new.

  3. I'm new!

    Nice to meetcha!

  4. ello welcome back.

    whats new? let see shall we....

    all is well admitted in a confession that she/he had more than one account.under the names

    peace frog

    all the daisy maes accounts

    all the mabel sugar accounts

    prudence something whatever the name was

    and purple something i cant remember the name

    and a few other accounts which i cant remember.

    i had them all blocked so i know who which ones they were.

    other than that..nothings changed.

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