
Elubin Contest?

by  |  earlier

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for the elubin contest, what is the answer to clue #9 it goes like this

a decor to SUIT your mind

if you play chess or cards all the time

you need to be smart

and click on the chair of hearts





  1. ill tell you the answer if you tell me the answer to the peppermint snowflake one. ill come back in five mins if you tell me the answer to the peppermint snowflake.

  2. I did the whole thing I know the whole thing! DYK is somewhere on the page look for the letter d

  3. i cant figure out the bugs bunny and trix one

  4. i can tell you if you tell me number 7, the one about Peter, Bugs Bunny and Trix

  5. it's in the gaming theme. and for pepermint snowflake it's in the holiday foods i think it's in the pantry. can someone help me with the last clue though? it's like d_k_y i think
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