
Email account suspended?

by  |  earlier

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It appears (from reading previous posts regarding this problem) that once an email account has been suspended, there is absolutely no recourse except to subscribe under a new email account. Is that the consensus on this problem? Thank you.




  1. It would depend on the circumstances surrounding the suspension.  For instance, if you were spamming, then it probably won't be possible to get it back.  If your emails were bouncing over a long period of time or other Yahoo misadventures and resulted in your account being suspended, you might get it back.

    If you are talking about a suspended Yahoo email account, here is a link to the Yahoo email help form.  It would be worth your effort to complete the form, pleading your case with Yahoo to get your email account back.

  2. No, I got mine back, do some complaining..

  3. there is something you can do, fill out the mail form explaining as much as you can

    Mail Help Form

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