
Email stalking? ex boyfriend has borderline personality disorder and emails and texts everyday?

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I finished the relationship six weeks ago and he refuses to let go. I have not contacted him at all in those six weeks but he still has not given up. His emails are abusive. What can I do? Am scared. Help please




  1. lol believe me i know that feeling i broke up with my ex he had the same things wrong he was bpd and bipolar all at the same time and not taking medication for it i broke up with him and he went bonkers by calling me every name in the book i got emails after emails and finally they stopped now so just ignore him the more you give in and communicate the more he will bother you unless you want to be bothered.i sure hope this is not the same guy unless they are twins lol good luck

  2. Firstly, as someone else pointed and print the e-mails.

    Next, go *in person* to the police station and file a report.

    Why? Stalkers can vanish (unlikely), torment and/or assault (typically), and (occasionally) kill the object of their "affection".

    Remember...even if he never voiced a single actual threat in his e-mails, if you fear the threat, that is all that counts.

    Additionally, if you have explicitly told him that it was over and you do not want him to contact you any more, he is violating the law. With your fear, an Order of Protection can be reasonably less difficult to obtain. If he violates it (once you have it)...REPORT IT! Do not block his e-mail or delete the account unless the police ask/tell/suggest you to/do.

    In any case, contact the people in your address book and let them know that due to the abusive and threatening nature of e-mails received from an unwanted and undesired source, you are having to change your e-mail and telephone number...and do so! If feeling particularly paranoid, create several accounts, and give only a block of people your e-mail account's address. For the next block of friends/etc, give them the second, the next block the third, etc... That way, if he finds-out what your account's address is, you need look no further than the members of that block. Also, tell everyone that if they want to send something to you as part of a "mass"mailing, to put you in the BCC line.

    In otherwords, his continuting to contact you after being explicitly told not to shows his self-absorbed attitude and disrespect for you. The tone of the messages have crossed the line, and jhave apparently entered the realm of criminal. For your own peace of mind and safet, you MUST bring the Law into this.

    Good Luck!

  3. Tell the police as this is NOT acceptable

  4. FIRST- save those e-mails, print them out if you can, you might be needing those in the future, trust me. Close that e-mail account so they bounce back to him, that would be the second thing I would do. He knows you are getting them (and probably reading them). He sounds like he could be dangerous and might take this to a more personal level. You may need to get a restraining order where he is to have zero contact with you.

  5. If he's BPD he's likely to have abandonment issues. It's one of the big symptoms. You need to let him know that it's over, even if that means you have to change your number. You need to tell the police that this guy is abusing you over the airwaves. This is illegal. Save all emails and texts as evidence. People have gone to jail for this activity.

  6. Have you told him to leave you alone?

    If you haven't  told him, tell him that its really over and nothing will change that. If he persists, then as the others said, save texts/emails and tell a cop.

  7. I wonder if it's this guy on YA who calls himself xy and keeps talking about stalking. Anyway, if he is solely contacting you via the computer then I would open new accounts and contact all trusted (meaning people who you know won't pass on your info to the stalker) family and friends and let them know your new address and why you changed it. Keep the old account so that you have a way to document his threats and unwanted contact. Contact your local police department and ask how to go about reporting this type of crime. They will probably tell you to close old accounts etc. but, you will need to be persistent with them and let them know the type of e-mails he is sending and that they are abusive. it may help to print off what you have and take it in. They might be more helpful in person. If necessary you can get a restraining order. Don't wait for him to escalate further. He may be someone who feels all powerful over the computer and wouldn't do much in real life or he may have it in him to do more. Don't risk it. Take steps now to protect yourself. Good luck.

  8. o_O

    block him from emailing and texting

    that was hard...

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