
Emailing a professor for the first time?

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Should my email start with "Hello" or "Hi"?

This professor doesn't know me yet because I haven't done any courses with him. My first course with him will start in Sept. and I have some questions about the text.




  1. Just a "Hello" is fine:


    My name is ________. I'm enrolled in your ________ class and had a few questions about the text. *Insert questions here.* Thank you for your time and help. I look forward to attending your class next month.


    Your name

  2. Actually you need to consult the most recent "little, Brown Handbook"

    This will give you the current rules on formal and nonformal emails.

    Usually "Dear sir/Ma'am" or Dear Professor ____

  3. Start it as you would a written letter:  Dear Professor ____:  I will be attending your September course, "[name of the course]."  I've looked over the course material and have some questions.  Etc.

    Make sure you write out your name since signatures aren't always readable.  Make sure you include a return address, phone number and/or email address (you don't have to include all 3, but you need to give him/her a way to contact you and it's up to you how--phoning would allow you to ask further questions or get clarification on things that still are unclear; email can work but you'll have to make sure you are explicit and clear in stating what your are curious about (keep in mind the prof has never met you and hasn't had earlier discussions with you).  Snail mail may be too slow at this point (if the prof is away for the summer, or teaching something else this summer, etc.).

  4. usually a "hello professor ____" works well.  

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