
Embarasing question..?

by  |  earlier

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what do doctors do when u go over a possible bladder problem?

i go pee then about half an hour later i need to go again even if i havent drunk anything, i actually do when i need it again..




  1. They ask you what it feels like, if you've had s*x, how much caffeine you've been drinking. Then you take a urine test.  

  2. If you're doc suspects a UTI (urinary infection) then he will take a urine sample... and probably prescribe you antibiotics.  That's it.  Go get checked :)  Don't be embarrased.

  3. They have you go to the bathroom and give them a urine sample in a cup, test the urine and if it comes back positive you have a urinary tract infection "bladder infection".*
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