
Embarassed to tan topless.....?

by Guest62250  |  earlier

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Okay, my friends and I are 14 (birthday was yesterday). I went to the beach today with 5 of my friend and 1 of them brought her 15 year old cousin visiting from Europe. We were laying in da sun tanning, and her cousin took her top off. Since it's allowed at that beach, the rest of them took their top off. I was kinda creeped out by it, but I took off my top and laid on my back. Am I weird to be a little creeped out/embarrassed by this?




  1. It's perfectly normal to be embarassed by that.

    I'm 14 too (closer to 15 actually) and I wouldn't want to do that.

    If you are un-comfortable with it..then don't do it anymore.

    If you want to continue to do it then just remind yourself that no one is looking at your chest, and you're not looking at anyone elses. it might help if you close your eyes and try to drift off.

  2. No way! It's not weird to be embarrassed by this! I surely would be.

    Trust one time I was with my friend, and this guy from my school was on his familys' boat and passed by and SAW me. I seriously wanted to die. And this happened this summer, so i don't think I can face him this year! Plus he is a huge big mouth and talks about everything and ANYTHING.

    But maybe next time lay on your chest instead of your back! You don't know who is watching.

  3. When bikinis came into style, showing a navel was considered shocking and creeped  many out.   Going topless is similar and has been accepted widely in europe for decades and is becoming more accepted in the U.S. as well.   It's just important to realize that exposing part of one's body to naturally enjoy the sun and exposing part of one's body for sexual reasons are very different things.

    More importantly is you should do what you are comfortable with.  Respect other's people's values, but don't feel pressured to behave in any way that is contrary to your values.   If seeing other people topless creeps you out, don't go to such beaches.

    However, as your own experience indicated, many females find sunning topless a natural experience and not at all creepy.

  4. Umm lol no your not weird for being embarassed/uncomfortable with that.

    I personally would never ever do that but thats just me.

    So if you want to do it, go ahead but like people could be watching, you never know, just telling you. Anyways.. umm so yeah if your uncomfortable or weirded out just dont. Tell your friends that you just dont want to if they ask.

  5. Um no, that's not normal for 14yr olds to do. Maybe in your backyard, but really some pedophile could have been watching you guys.

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