I didnt have great dental habits when I was growing up, and a dentist told me I had Periodontist (?) when I was about 13 years old. Since then I havent been back to the dentist because we could never afford it. Right now it only seems to be effecting my front teeth, and its not effecting my molars. I actually have pink, firm gums in the back, but in the front I seem to have receeding gums, and a small black line under all my teeth. Its visible when I smile, and a bit when I speak. I brush daily, and use started using Listerine.. My breath smells better and my mouth tastes better, but the black wont go away. I have a feeling its permanent, but is there maybe anything I can try, short of having my front teeth pulled and have a bridge in place? Dentists terrify me to the point I've fainted before getting into the chair.. lol