
Embarassing but serious question, serious answers please

by  |  earlier

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I posted a ? about the possibility of my partner having an STD last night. My doctor screened me again this morning, but he mentioned something as a possibility. Basically, my partner's symptoms are burning urination and diarrhea. Doctor questioned if we had done anything unusual in the bedroom recently, since we are both in our 30's and monogamous, and I have tested clear for STDs. I mentioned that we had *tried* something out of the ordinary the last time we had s*x, and it was after that that my partner's symptoms started. Without too much detail, it was a rectal activity involving him. The doctor suggested that certain activities of that nature, particularly if they are new to the person, can cause such symptoms because of the unfamiliar pressure on the prostate as well as the introduction of normal bacteria into a new area.

I've freaked out ever since my partner expressed concern over his symptoms, and my question is, For those of you who know ANYTHING about this, have you ever known rectal "foreplay" to cause these symptoms? Is that a common side effect from pressure on the prostate gland when it is an unfamiliar activity?

This is really embarassing, but please understand that I'm an adult in my 30's and have never had anything like this happen before, and I'm not sure of men's health issues of this nature, and I'm frightened awaiting STD screens on both of us and just trying to calm my mind somewhat in the meantime!

Any mature responses would be appreciated! Thanks!




  1. If you two are monogamous there is NO WAY you can have an STD. It's something you catch from some one else.

    Rectal play is fun. Dont worry

    Of course if hubby test positive for std then you have something else all together to concern yourself with

  2. I wouldn't worry about it.

    Women similarly get UTIs (urinary tract infections) from rough s*x when their bladders get pushed up against the walls of the v****a.  Its a bacterial infection, not an STD.

    So a man getting similar symptoms from pressure on the prostate sounds very similar and totally plausible.

    I'd stop worrying about STDs and just listen to my doctor and be a little more careful next time you're playing in that area.

  3. Well, I myself am 16, and still a virgin, so I wouldn't really have any experience about it at all. But I'm pretty sure you will be fine, and so will he.

    When I read this, I felt that those symptoms were a neutral and perfectly normal reaction to your rectal activity. Its kinda like saying, I had rectal activity last night with my girlfriend, and know my butt hurts, and then asking if it normal. But I think you and your partner are going to do fine.

    So, I would keep an eye on it, and keep checking up with your doctor. But I'm pretty sure you will be fine.

    I hope you have a great day ^_^

  4. im not a docter eather. and  i  dont know much but your rectom has very tiny capillerys in witch especially during anal s*x can ruptur and burst n stuff and that how bacteria can get in. n such......

  5. First off, I'm not a doctor. This is just a thought I'm putting out there.

    I know your r****m is a fairly dirty place, so it's probably seen its fair share of bacteria, but the possibility of your body being susceptible to new bacteria  in a place that hasn't seen them before. Also, it's very easy for viruses to enter through your r****m, so perhaps a new bacteria snuck in during foreplay. Just a thought.

  6. My boyfriend and I enjoy our fair share of anal activity (for him mostly) and I assure you that what you guys are experiencing is perfectly normal.  Maybe a little disconcerting, but so is introducing new techniques to what you both are used to.

    What I would be more concerned about is your fright over contracting an "STD".  You say that you are both monogamous, so where could the "STD" possibly come from?  

    Maybe what is needed is some honesty on both your parts before you delve into sexual practices that carry risks.  And maybe also think about using condoms on toys, with other people, and with your boyfriend.    

  7. It's very likely due to the "new" bacteria and the fact that that particular area is sensitive to being touched/handled differently (this might not be a good example, but think about when you itch/rub your eyes after you've been exposed to dust/allergens -- that skin/area isn't used to your hands rubbing so much so it gets a bit sore/swollen and your eyeballs can actually hurt a bit.)

    If you're clear on the STD screens and your dr didn't seem worried - you shouldn't be either so relax!  ;)

  8. An *** is a one way street... if you deliberately drive up a one way street the wrong way ... expect to have an accident.

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