
Embarassing question about s*x..? ?

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Okay this is kind of embarassing but I just want to know. How is it able to fit? Like i heard that vaginas are about 4 in on the inside, but the average erect p***s is about 6 in, so like wouldn't that not work? lol I'm confused. Wouldn't it like hit the cervix and that would hurt right? Anyone know?




  1. Okay, there's some good information here and some misinformation - let's sort them out.

    One fully erect p***s is about the same size as every other fully erect p***s.

    The v****a of a fully aroused woman is about the same size as the v****a of any other fully aroused woman and is lubricated with a natural lubricant produced by the v****a walls.  Also, the cervix of an aroused woman will rise up towards the uterus.

    There are no mismatches, except in the exceedingly rare case that requires medical assistance.

    The non-aroused p***s size varies considerably from man to man - and even in the same man, his p***s length will vary throughout a day.  A general rule is that the colder the weather, the shorter a man's p***s will be.  This size is irrelevant to how large the aroused p***s will be - an aroused man's p***s is always roughly the same length, regardless of weather, big or small men, big ego or small.

    So it's a "one size fits all" situation so all those who don't intend to have s*x until they are married and were worried about finding out you are size incompatible, don't worry because you won't be.

    Now why does this myth of mismatch exist?  Because a woman who isn't sufficiently aroused will quite likely have pain when the man enters.  You are quite correct - the p***s hitting the cervix can be painful.  Consider that any person engaging in the s*x act and worried about getting caught or pregnant, or not having the trust of and close relationship with the man that makes s*x the best it can ever be, means the woman is unlikely to relax sufficiently for full arousal to take place - any stress interferes with the normal arousal process and means pain is a likely result.

    Another point to take into consideration, there is no need for the entire length of the p***s to be inserted anyway.

  2. its a lie the average p***s is only 3inches erect

  3. Most of the penises of friends of mine were 7-8 inches. However, the majority of the elderly men that I have cared for in nursing homes were between 1-3 inches, no lie.

    Canan and Nat are right, the v****a stretches. Everyone is made different and are built to "receive" different sizes. Some women can handle the larger ones and some can't handle (comfortably) anything over 4".

    (Not a part of your question)

    Obviously by the way your questions are worded, you are still a virgin. Am I right? And you're curious. Well, this is not a part of what you asked but from my personal experiences I must warn you about jumping into anything just for curiosity, especially s*x. There are alot of things that can and will happen to you physically, mentally and emotionally. I wish I had waited til I was much older before I made that choice. I try to share my experiences with young girls and women in hopes that they wont have to go through what I have been through. I haven't got a disease or anything like that, although we all know they are there.

    So, hope I helped, and sorry that I kinda went into left field there for a minute. It felt important to me.

  4. That is actually a very good question!  Not embarassing, you should have learned about that in school (like I did in 3rd grade).  Sizes come in a variety and the average is the number that 90% of the population has.  

    During sexual arousal, blood accumulates in the genital area, the v****a along with the clitoris and minor/mayor labia enlarges, (like the p***s).  Unlike the males p***s, which has three compartments that are desigened to trap the blood in this area for the sexual performance, the v****a which is also "constructed" from muscle tissue, rather lubricates to prepare for chemical and physical friction.  It has the ability to stretch (under normal circumstances painfree).  

    FYI: the largest muscle in the human body is a pregnant uterus!

  5. v****a's are luckily designed to have penises inside them and babies can come out of them, they stretch a great deal.  If it feels too big and uncomfortable, then you may possible have to rethink your future s*x partner.  

  6. vaginas are larger than 4 inches inside and they stretch

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