
Embarking on a Chicken Farm?

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I am planning to begin a new life in the production of chicken farming. I have 20 acres of land in Merced, CA and my financial idea to open such a farm is to refinance the land and invest. My question is, what is the amount needed to open such a farm and what it the substantial size of a chicken farm to make a well enough profit?

I am 22yrs of age and am still going to school; hopefull i can change my major to some sort of agriculture.

Thanks in advance to those who help.




  1. To make a profit? Torture the chickens, cram them into sheds, genetically manipulate them, send them to slaughter when they're two months old and when they'll be killed painfully since THEY'RE NOT PROTECTED BY THE HUMANE SLAUGHTER ACT.

    To be humane? Well, either don't raise chickens at all, or feed them organic food, let them be free-range, slaughter them when they're at least 6 years (natural lifespan is approx. 7 to ten years), slaughter them using a very strong stunning method.

    PS Go into chicken farming and don't complain if the water becomes polluted. Chicken p**p+water=water pollution. Also, by raising chickens you'll be wasting a ton of natural resources and fuels and food that could go to starving humans.

  2. There is two ways that you could go into this.  The first is the commercial  chicken farming, usually with a contract with a large processor like Tyson Foods.  It is expensive but they will help with financing and building your buildings.  In my opinion this is not a very satisfying way to farm, but it can be profitable.

    With 20 acres, you could construct some good laying houses and roosting sheds fairly cheaply and raise your chickens free range.  You are on your own without a processing company as a partner.  This may be a little scary without a built in market, but it would a lot more satisfying way to raise your chickens.  It would be a good life for you and the chickens.

  3. The first part of this venture is checking with the local government on law regarding Agricutural Buildings and Animal or Livestock breeding and production facilities.

    Provided that the land is zoned agricultural then you will need to find out about zoning and permits for builfing, then you will need estimates on buildings, you should also consider wether you are just wanting to raise chickens, or have your own hackery, and have lying chickens for egg production.

    The egg business is also a good protion of the Chicken industry, it requires less animal turn over for production while automation is a large protion of egg collection and feeding.

    IF you consider just a chicken farm for raise and slaughter, the slaughter portion is done at the processing facility so you will not have to deal with this, but, you will have to deal with new chicks, proper health and inspections, feeding and removal of lost product.

    You will need room for at least 2000 chickens to maintain a steady flow of income, While your first and second year will be flat or just slightly above the red ink this is due to the payments of the initial investment, and the constant turn over and purchase of new chicks. You can however start your own hachery, but again it's a expense that will need to be figured into a long term investment.

    You will also need to continually grow your stock by 5% a year minimum this means having room for expansion and cash flow for feed and supplements.

    I might suggest that you venture out to a few of the chicken farms and ask questions about the operations.

    The biggest thing that you will need is a buyer, without this al the fresh meat in the world will only get old and tough without someone to purchase your product. And remeber that the closer the place the less transportation the less loss and more profit.

    You are going to need under ground storage tanks for animal waste, and you should consider getting together with farmer that are willing to purchase this for fertilizer. Also you will need feed storage, you should consider building storage bins that will hold 10 times the amount of feed that you require, this will help with expansion and in the event that you can purchase large quantiites for less, then you have the ability to store it.

    You will need a permanent work force, that feeds, cleans and inspects animals, also you will need a in house vet, or have on the will come at you call. Plus you are going to need machinery for moving waste, cleaning, and upkeep.

    Because of the great climate you have in Merced, I would recommend a softside building, this would give you the ability to fully expose or open a whole side of the building for natural sunlight, and this will reduce the overall cost of the building.

    You will need to get the buyer to specify the kind of birds, average weight, and base feeds, chemical use and medications allowed in their products, this will help you in choosing the correct supplier for your feed base.

    You should also consult the city of Merced for a ny tax credits for new job creation, Tax abatements for building and any other tax relieve that you can get.

    A sound prewritten business plan, will aide you in getting lending, along with a good college degree in animal husbandry, or Livestock and Agricutural degrees.

    You have a good idea, you need to start working the plan on paper, then find out what you have in resources, what you need in capital, and what the market is for your product. And don't forget that you will need at least a 10 person crew to start, so this too is a large concern to find qualified people that you can intrust with you business.

    Good Luck and Best Wishes.




  5. That guy's answer probably scared you, huh?  Me too. I've been farming 40 years and it can be done different ways. Check out your library and county agents office for facts and figures.Good luck!

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