
Embarrasing but... how do you wear a tampon urgent?

by  |  earlier

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I'm so tired of wearing a pad. that huge"diaper" its so uncomfortable. You can't wear nice clothes, jeans, ure always looking in the mirror to check for leaks. It gets on your under wear at night . I just hate it. I'm so scared to use a tampon. If it helps i usually leave for school 7:30. How long can you keep it in, how do you put it in




  1. they say to leave it in for up to three hours but i know plenty of girls who have kept one in for at least 4 maybe 5 hours. so if i were you i would put one in before i leave for school and bring one or two to change into during school.

  2. well, i know pads are annoying, but i only wear tampons if i need to go swimming, becasue i got a yeast infection from a tampon because tampons clog up bacteria, but yea, it was HORRIBLE. how to put in a tampon. first,get into a comfortable position, most women sit on toilet with knees apart, then insert the applicator. hold the outer insertion tube with the string hanging down. insert applicator slight upward into your v****a until you can't go up anymore. then you push the tampon inside by pushing the inner tube all the way into the outer tube. the tampon should now be comfortaby inside you, if you feel anydiscomfort, that means you didn't put the tampon in far enough, if this happens, take it out slowly and try again with a new one. tampons and the wrappers are flushable and biodegradalbe, i only keep my tampons in for about 3 hours. hope i helped! :) oh! and make sure you never ever sleep with a tampon in. always always sleep with a pad, never a tampon.

  3. girl theres nothing to be scared of, if you dont feel comfortable just standing up to put it in, you can put on leg up on the toilet or the bath and leave the other leg on the floor, slide in the tampon and gently push it in with the applicator, once its properly inserted youll hardly feel it's there. change it every few hours or so, dont leave it in for too long or youll be at risk of tss(toxic shock syndrome), anythinh else feel free to ask

  4. actually you can wear one up to 8 hours. But on heavier days, you might only want it in for 3-4 hours. And when you buy tampons, it has instructions and information inside the box.

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