
Embarrasing question...?

by Guest60842  |  earlier

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i was wondering at about which age do your b*****s start to really noticably grow because i started my period when i was almost 12 and i am 2 months away from 14 now and i have hardly noticed any difference in size and i'm a 34b right now and my mom is like and E so do you think i am done growing and when will i start?




  1. Some girls just stay small... you can grow up to 22 or something

  2. everyone is different but you are done growing at about 17-18 years old. you have time

  3. you can grow up until ur 20s and also when u have kids ur b***s change 14 and 34b is good!!!

  4. Everybody is different! ur probably 1 of those kinda girls - like me - that develop in stages. like 1 summer u will grow and then the next summer u will grow and so on. i'm 14 and have the same problem.

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