
Embarrassed but i have 2 ask :o/ can u help?

by  |  earlier

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after work saturday my friends and i went 2 a sushi bar and then went clubbing. bcuz i'm only 5'3 i'm used 2 wearing stilettos and wear them almost everyday, (i'm a receptionist/clerical assistant 4 a real estate office and i'm sitting most of the time), but 4 some reason at the club my feet were killing me. it was more than just the blister thingys i have on my little toes. then yesterday i had 2 work as a hostess 4 a open house at one of the big estates our agency is representing. I could barely squeeze my feet into my pumps and my feet hurt sooo bad all day. it was like my shoes were 2 sizes 2 small. they were my favorite pumps and i've worn them a zillion times.

here's a pic i took after i got home and took off my shoes.

Now this morning i can't squeeze my feet into any of my shoes.

this afternoon i have an interview 4 a job i really want. its with a bank and i just can't wear flip-flops but my stupid feet r soooo swollen. :o(

k, this is the embarrassing part, i've had 2 get a body shaper cuz i've sort gained weight since i started working at the real estate office, (they always have this big tray of yummy pastries), and bcuz it was the only way i could get into the outfit i wanted 2 wear when we went clubbing and the suit i want 2 wear 2 the interview today. could wearing the body shaper make my feet swell up soooo much? I'm also on my period. it started thursday night. i've never got bloated or anything on my period b4, and would my feet b the only thing that gets swollen? Could it b an allergic reaction 2 something i ate at the sushi bar? it's the 1st time i ever had sake, but would that make my feet swell up? and most of all how can i get my stupid feet into my shoes? help!




  1. bunion

  2. Sorry i can't help with your problem but would just like to say what a pretty girl you are.x

  3. you could be allergic to da sushi....and you should soak your feet in some HOT water den da swelling should go down or put some cold ice on you feet that might work

  4. iam not sur what caused it but get ur feet in to a     basin of cold water itl get it down if not get foot cooling gel

  5. ice your feet and lay on your back with your legs 90 degrees in the air so the blood flows and the swelling stops

  6. yer feet are gross!!! and i wouldn't not a foot doctor! but you should go to one! duh! ( :

  7. I don't think it was the food. Just try and wear flats if u can because it is better then flip flops and comfy. Your feet is probably just swollen from being on your feet to much.

  8. yes it definitely could be an allergic reaction... go really fast to a store by new shoes that fit enough. wear the suit again... try your best. wear it to the interview and then quickly change as soon as you get down. and who knows maybe you need to do a shopping spree everyone needs too right there fun! good luck!  

  9. uh oh, it looks like you might be getting a bunion if it wasn't there already. you get it from wearing shoes that are too small. just buy bigger shoes- if it is a bunion theres really nothing you can do about it.

  10. Try soaking your feet in warm water with a bit of salt sprinkled in it to help with the blisters and swelling.

    P.S Wow how rude is the person above me!

  11. Don't you have another shoe besides the high ones and flip flops? I wouldn't try to fit my feet into a shoe that hurt that much. You may have extra water weight right now. The sushi could have added to that.

    Look confortable and clean. Everyone will know if you waer shoes that hurt you!  If the swelling continues, get to a doctor. It could be serious.  

  12. you have really ugly feet

    umm i would say they are just swollen

  13. k, u r bloated and u have bunions :oP

    i can relate. k, not 2 the bloated part, but 2 the having bunions.

    u need 2 get the latest in fashion and fitness...

    ROFL, i dont even know if i have them on right, but once u put them on u'll laugh sooo hard nothing else will matter.

    sorry, except 4 soaking ur feet in coldwater, i'm at a loss.

    hope ur interview is good. :o)

  14. I'm 80 lbs overweight and went up 1/2 size in shoes since i gained weight but  I think that your feet are swollen from those awful shoes.  It may finally be catching up with you and you might want to get them x-rayed.  They could be sprained.  On top of that you gained weight and like I mentioned before, that alone could make you get chubbier feet.  If your worried about water retention then oddly enough it helps when you drink lots of water bc it flushes out all the sodium and tells your body water is available- so therefore you can get rid of what you don't need.  I suggest applying heat and ice to your feet but i don't know for sure.

  15. Hello there,

    NOTE: This is my personal opinion. I am not a professional. Use my advice at your own discretion.

    I am sorry that your feet hurt so much. If I were you, I would see a doctor right away. Why? It could be a number of things, in my opinion, but I am not a professional medical provider, so I cannot give you a proper diagnosis. A pediatrician can also be recommended by your doctor...That is why I say this again: Go see a medical doctor, even if the pain goes away. It is worth it, even to know that there is nothing wrong. At least you will KNOW what is wrong, etc.

    I think that you should ask this exact question to the medical professional (bring the picture) instead of on Yahoo! Answers (where I doubt you will find a proper diagnosis).

    I hope this helps and wins Best Answer. Good luck!

  16. an allergic reaction wouldnt make or target your feet and make them swell. so its def not that.

    I would think that its either your body bandage which is basically restricting blood flow and making the lower part of your body swell up. its like if you tie a string around your finger real tight, the top part of your finger will swell up. I think the same thing is going on.

    Its either that OR you are gaining weight and causing more pressure on your feet, the more pressure from the top the more your feet will flatten and spread out due to gravity and pressure thus causing the swelling and pain.

    Its either one of those two things,. personally, I think its your body bandage, either try not wearing it for a week or two and see if your feet go back to normal,. if they do you know its the bandage, and in that case if you must wear it , dont tie it as tight. If you take the bandage off for 2 weeks and your feet remain the same,. its probably from excess weight and you need to find shoes in a larger size in possibly both length and width.

    good luck.

  17. If it were an allergic reaction, your face would swell up rather than yoru feet b/c you consumed the sushi...and for your feet, they are swollen because you were on them for too long reguardless of how many times you ahve worn certain shoes before. when you have time  soak them in warm water for about a half an hour and the swelling should subside. Also, if you dont have time to let your feet heal and absolutely have to wear pumps, then put bandages any where that you might have a sore or could get one and then put your pupms me this will take a load off. and any time you can slip your shoes off for a minute, then go for it.

  18. if you're wearing high heels everyday it will effect your feet. It looks like a bunyan just below your big toe. This can be the reason why you can't fit your feet into your shoes. Go and see one of those foot doctor people. They will certainly be able to help you.

  19. gaining weight actually puts a lot more pressure and strain on your feet especially when u wear stilettos like the ones in ur pic. also body shapers like girdles and even spanx can reduce circulation to especially ur feet making them swell. looks like u r getting bunions and hammertoes from the shoes u wear. the "blister" on ur little toe is a corn and looks really painful. try not 2 wear ur stilettos everyday and give ur poor feet a break. soaking ur feet in cold water should reduce some of the swelling,

    btw, u have a gorgeous face

    hope ur feet r better and good luck with the interview.

  20. i'm not sure

    are there any other shoes you can wear that are bigger (a friends, etc) wear flip flops there and when your outside put on bigger shoes

    Try soaking your feet in really cold water for five minutes then massage them to get the blood flowing

    i don't think it is an allergic reaction because the swelling seems to be only in one area (it looks that way in the photo)

    if the worst comes to the worst and you have no other option just wear the flip flops and before they start asking any questions just say you are having some trouble with your feet (don't say you were clubbing) and apologise and ask tell them not to make any judgement on your footwear as this is not by choice

    they should understand especially if you turn up in the suit

  21. ummm. eating something that you're allergic too gives you a reaction near the face, not in your feet. and no, your shaper didn't squeeze all the fat into your feet. go out and buy a bigger sized shoe to wear to your interview. try not to wear high heels for so long because it's terrible for your feet. ice your feet (15 minutes on, 10 minutes off) and they will go down in size.  

  22. ok listen it sounds like you have a bit of bad luck but heres what you should do pop down to the chemist and get some painkillers for your period probs and get this cream called germalene it will cure the blisters and it has a local anastethic so it nubs it so you have no pain but before you do that soak your feet in some cool water and the swelling should go down and then you can were the body suit thing good like sorry if this dosnt help but its the best i can do

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