
Embarrassing, but help heal rubbed raw p***s?

by  |  earlier

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I tried masturbation, but i guess i did it wrong or something, and now i have a area on the p***s(not s*****m) and its not that big, but its visible. And, uh, I have to get a physical in about a week. How can i quicken up the healing process? I already put neosporin and a band-aid on it, but is there anything else? Will aloe vera work? I dont want to do anything dangerous. I just dont want the doctor to mistake it for herpes and not allow me to run cross country or play football. HELP!!!




  1. To heal your current injuries I would suggest an average skin ointment such as lotion or aloe.  To prevent further soreness, you should use lubricant to avoid rubbing your skin raw.

  2. No,not much. make sure you leave it open at night to air dry and heal good.Only use the medication during the day.. If there's some salt(ocean) water swimming you could do that helps heal too.. but DON'T soak it in salt water.

  3. keep using neosporin on it and dont m********e until it heals. Dont know what you did during masturbation to rub it raw but masturbation is enjoyable and shouldnt be done with sandpaper(j/k)

  4. Neosporin is probably the best thing. .  .The band aid is going to hurt like h**l when you take it off though . .

    and dont worry, the doctor can tell the difference between a sore spot and herpes. . its pretty distinctive. Also, you might want to invest in some ky for next time  

  5. Just tell him the truth, that its chaffing.  

  6. Okay ... unfortunately it won't heal that quickly, but fortunately I guarantee you they will not mistake it for  herpes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or any other STD or VTD.  A scar will more than likely form where your "accident" occurred, but really don't stress about it.  Even if the doctor notices don't be embarrassed and be truthful.  Remember three things 1) the doctor probably will never see and doesn't know u 2) doctors see a lot of other more messed up things, a lot 3) don't stress it.  oh and one more thing, since there will be scar tissue where the incident occurred, when there is visible scar tissue i.e. a scab, while in the shower the scab will become soft and you may be able to scrub it off probably the day before the exam, if u still are uncomfortable.

  7. Yes, Aloe Vera will work!  You essentially have a friction burn.  As long as it's not bleeding, the probability of it healing by the time you have your physical is very good.  Besides, drs are used to things like this, and if you say you've been running a lot trying to train for cross country or football, it's not unreasonable that chaffing can be the cause of it.  You can also blame it on your mom saying she used a new laundry soap!  Don't worry about it; things like that happen.

  8. don't rub it

  9. STOP BEING EMBARRASSED!  What is wrong with all you people?  The p***s heals quickly -- it will be healed in a week.   Leave it alone, don't bandage it -- just leave a little ointment on it.

    The doctor will NOT mistake it for herpes.  He also will NOT even notice it in a week.  Even if he did mistake it for herpes, he's NOT going to stop you from cross country or football.  Almost exactly one quarter of teenagers have genital herpes.  It's from not bothering with protection when they have s*x.

    Get over all the fear, let it heal, and the next time you m********e, do it right.  Masturbation is wonderful.  It should feel good, not leave you with a raw spot.



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