
Embarrassing crush moments!? ?

by  |  earlier

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I had one today!! :S this guy who sits next to my in Math was playing around like most of them do by grabbing/pinching your side to tickle and stuff? And well I wasn't really getting pissed off, but I kinda tried to do it back but I did it too hard and he was like "OUCH Ohhhh... oooooowww... oh man I have a bruise now! u ARE mean" and everything like that. It was so embarrassing and I didn't know what to say. I do NOT know how to flirt at all, I'm completely hopeless. So it's not surprising that my attempt failed. But thankfully he kiiiiinda forgot about it and he kept trying to tickle me. Eventually (when I started hugging my sides to prevent him form doing it anymore), we'd end up holding hands and playing w/ each other's fingers (cause my hand is blocking him from tickling me. Sometimes he's try to tickle me again but other times he's just hold or rub my hand). I know, a total flirt right? At least I like him back... I just hope he's not a PLAYER!




  1. how cute :)

  2. and whaT WAS THE PROBLEM??

  3. I was looking great one day in school.

    I came out of the bathroom after fixing my hair with my friend and strutting back into the classroom, right past my crush who smirked, and then I sat down with my friend.

    My friend pointed her finger down and there was a trail of toilet paper along my shoe.

    I grabbed it off and flung it on the floor immediately.

    Across the room, my crushes friend said "What did she do? Fall in?" and my crush looked at me and laughed.

    Ughh lol

  4. ahhh!! i've had the same thing happen to me! i know exactly what you're going through. he obviously likes to mess with you so let him eventually he'll start liking you and ask you out. that's what i did but i don't know..

    GOOD LUCK!!! :D

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