
Embarrassing situation: what would you do?

by  |  earlier

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You're out for dinner with your partner and suddenly he/she farts, that loud that everyone is looking into your direction. What would you do? 10 points for the best answer.




  1. i would probably say....'oh dear, is your colostomy bag giving you grief agai darling?'..... :D

  2. Grin; look her in the eye; and forget about it...until we were in the car on way home...hopefully she will laugh with me (If not, then reassure her that it's okay...then try to get her to laugh about it)  

  3. i assume u r asking 4 an honest answer as opposed to what you 'should' which case i would laugh hysterically!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. ask her if she/he is wathcing name that tune then

    tell her/him that you can name that tune in 2 notes. :)

  5. "OMG that is the most rude waiter! Did you hear that? I am going to speak to the manager as soon as we eat."

  6. Hahaha...

    The first words out of my mouth would be "Whoa."

  7. .. look at the next table.. and ask the person sitting near you... "Was that you?"..

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