Have you ever had your pantsed pulled down or skirt come undone or anything embarrassing that's exposed your underwear? What happened? What grade were you in? What kind of undies were you wearing? lol
When I was in 10th grade(last year) I was with my friends (guys and girls) in the cafeteria after school. I had a change of clothes since I was going to sleep over at my friends house that night. I went to get something from my locker so I left my bag at the table. When I came back, one of the guys was like "so who in our class do you think is most likely to be famous," and everyone started laughing. I didnt get it so I just kinda giggled. After like 20 seconds I remembered that the undies that I had in my bag said "Most Likely to be Famous" on the butt! I turned bright red and my friends knew I had caught on. As I was leaving this one jerk yells out so that the whole caf could hear, "Kate, dont forget your Victoria's Secret underwear!" I wanted to die :(
Ever had anything like that happen to you?