
Embarrassing underwear moment?

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Have you ever had your pantsed pulled down or skirt come undone or anything embarrassing that's exposed your underwear? What happened? What grade were you in? What kind of undies were you wearing? lol

When I was in 10th grade(last year) I was with my friends (guys and girls) in the cafeteria after school. I had a change of clothes since I was going to sleep over at my friends house that night. I went to get something from my locker so I left my bag at the table. When I came back, one of the guys was like "so who in our class do you think is most likely to be famous," and everyone started laughing. I didnt get it so I just kinda giggled. After like 20 seconds I remembered that the undies that I had in my bag said "Most Likely to be Famous" on the butt! I turned bright red and my friends knew I had caught on. As I was leaving this one jerk yells out so that the whole caf could hear, "Kate, dont forget your Victoria's Secret underwear!" I wanted to die :(

Ever had anything like that happen to you?




  1. Guest56486

     In the fifth grade this girl Pam that I had a crush on asked me to help her spy on another girl. The girl lived on my street and they were practicing routines for a talent show in her back yard. I let Pam stand on my shoulders to look over their privacy fence. The other girls figured us out and used pliers to pinch my butt through the fence. I was yelping and thought something was biting me. I squirmed until I dropped Pam. I heard the girls giggling now. Pam got up fussing at me as I tried to explain, but the girls weren't done. They were twisting the pliers up in my shorts and pulling me against the fence. Suddenly there was a ripping sound and loud laughter from behind the fence. Pam was laughing too. They had torn my shorts off and I was standing there in my underpants!

  2. Guest45328

     I didnt make my first holy communion untill i was 14 and on the morning of the ceremony,mom was dressing me in the required communion outfit.she had just put the required cloth diapers on me with the playtex toddler -extra large size plastic pants over them when my brother and his friend came bursting into my room as he had cut himself with a kitchen knife accidently and was bleeding,him and his buddie saw me with my diapers and plastic pants on and i was so embarrassed!

  3. Guest45317

    <p>&nbsp;Once I went to pick up a pencil and my pants ripped. I didn't notice but all the boys did. My underwear had princesses on them. (I was little but in 4th grade and my mom didn't wanna buy others). Everyone saw them and a boy said hello princess and spanked me. Then I remembered I was wearing princess undies. I turned bright red, grabbed my stuff and walked away. He tripped me and then pinned me to the floor. Having your entire class see your princess undies is embarrassing. But having being pinned on the floor in them in front of your entire class is worst of all.

    Another one is when I was in Highschool. I had to do a dare my stupid brother made me. I had to wear his clean tighty whightys to school. I went to school in them mildly embarrassed. My flaw was down but I didn't know. Then 5 minutes after school started I relized so I zipped it up. A older boy caught glipse of it so he pinned me to the wall in the hallway. He wegied me and then hung my shirt on a smmall flag. In my class everyone laughed there faces off. The boys taunted hey nice tighty whitys. Next day my brother heard and posted a pic all over school emails.

    Next day when he brought it up I turned as red as a tomato.

    In 7th grade my brother made me dress up as a girl with a dress. I did it didn't seem embarrassing at all. When we got to school it was a windy day and I had to wear my old princess underwear which made my mildly embarrassed. We had a play outside that day so I had to dress up as Dorthy. When it started the wind kicked in and blew my dress up showing the entire school my pricess undies. They laughed and cackled. My brother was in the play too and he whispered i'm improvising. He wegied me and hung me on the tree. He took a picture and showed all his friends. After, I threw out those bad luck embarrassing undies.


    Once also I was changing into my gym clothes in the hall the cool kids were there (Im one of em but not anymore) I hope they wouln't notice my undies I made to not forget. It said Josh is hot on em. Josh is a real dork. They were like OMG Sky likes Josh Sky likes Josh. Then they told him and he and I seen together is the worst ever. We get pansed, blindfollded then hung up together in a position that looks like were kissing but were not. That happend 6 times. One Josh Undies, 2 pokemon, then hannah montana, then cinderella, belle, and you wont believe this last one, BEN 10! 


  4. Guest45317

    <p>&nbsp;Once I went to pick up a pencil and my pants ripped. I didn't notice but all the boys did. My underwear had princesses on them. (I was little but in 4th grade and my mom didn't wanna buy others). Everyone saw them and a boy said hello princess and spanked me. Then I remembered I was wearing princess undies. I turned bright red, grabbed my stuff and walked away. He tripped me and then pinned me to the floor. Having your entire class see your princess undies is embarrassing. But having being pinned on the floor in them in front of your entire class is worst of all.

    Another one is when I was in Highschool. I had to do a dare my stupid brother made me. I had to wear his clean tighty whightys to school. I went to school in them mildly embarrassed. My flaw was down but I didn't know. Then 5 minutes after school started I relized so I zipped it up. A older boy caught glipse of it so he pinned me to the wall in the hallway. He wegied me and then hung my shirt on a smmall flag. In my class everyone laughed there faces off. The boys taunted hey nice tighty whitys. Next day my brother heard and posted a pic all over school emails.

    Next day when he brought it up I turned as red as a tomato.

    In 7th grade my brother made me dress up as a girl with a dress. I did it didn't seem embarrassing at all. When we got to school it was a windy day and I had to wear my old princess underwear which made my mildly embarrassed. We had a play outside that day so I had to dress up as Dorthy. When it started the wind kicked in and blew my dress up showing the entire school my pricess undies. They laughed and cackled. My brother was in the play too and he whispered i'm improvising. He wegied me and hung me on the tree. He took a picture and showed all his friends. After, I threw out those bad luck embarrassing undies.




  5. Guest45317

    <p>&nbsp;Once I went to pick up a pencil and my pants ripped. I didn't notice but all the boys did. My underwear had princesses on them. (I was little but in 4th grade and my mom didn't wanna buy others). Everyone saw them and a boy said hello princess and spanked me. Then I remembered I was wearing princess undies. I turned bright red, grabbed my stuff and walked away. He tripped me and then pinned me to the floor. Having your entire class see your princess undies is embarrassing. But having being pinned on the floor in them in front of your entire class is worst of all.

    Another one is when I was in Highschool. I had to do a dare my stupid brother made me. I had to wear his clean tighty whightys to school. I went to school in them mildly embarrassed. My flaw was down but I didn't know. Then 5 minutes after school started I relized so I zipped it up. A older boy caught glipse of it so he pinned me to the wall in the hallway. He wegied me and then hung my shirt on a smmall flag. In my class everyone laughed there faces off. The boys taunted hey nice tighty whitys. Next day my brother heard and posted a pic all over school emails.

    Next day when he brought it up I turned as red as a tomato.



  6. Guest45317

     Once I went to pick up a pencil and my pants ripped. I didn't notice but all the boys did. My underwear had princesses on them. (I was little but in 4th grade and my mom didn't wanna buy others). Everyone saw them and a boy said hello princess and spanked me. Then I remembered I was wearing princess undies. I turned bright red, grabbed my stuff and walked away. He tripped me and then pinned me to the floor. Having your entire class see your princess undies is embarrassing. But having being pinned on the floor in them in front of your entire class is worst of all.

  7. Guest216

    Once in 1st grade, I was at a downtown basketball game watching it then someone gave me pizza and bacon. It was yummy. But suddenly right after I ate my bacon, I threw up! Then, I ate my pizza and threw up again. Then I ran then suddenly i pooped my pants. Then I left the downtown basketball game. Right after I got home, I pulled down my pants. My underwear was white with cartoon charecters. Then, I got a new pair of underwear. It was the same color with cartoon charecters. Then I got my pajama pants on. Then, I got my pajama shirt on. Then I got to bed. It was Friday and the time said 7:45 pm. Then I was sick the next tree days. I missed school on Monday, and Tuesday.


    That day was the worst day ever!!!!!!!!!

    I will never forget that moment until im 80 something.

    BTW it was March when i had the most embarrassing moment

  8. In the fifth grade my mom and aunt dressed me up as a girl for Halloween. It wasn't my idea and I didn't want to do it but they thought it was cute and funny because my girl cousin was borrowing clothes from me to dress up as a boy. So they put me in this frilly pink dress of hers, white knee socks, black paten shoes, make up, and a blond wig in pigtails. Embarrassing enough, right? Wrong.

    My teacher and the kids teased and laughed at me. As if the dress wasn't short enough(about mid thigh) to keep me worried about exposure, throughout the day both boys and girls would flip it up to see my underwear. I was wearing my white boys briefs but couldn't have felt more embarrassed if they'd been ruffled pink panties.


  9. Hi my name is max and I have a twin sister named judy. She is 12 seconds older than me and a little more stronger. So we go to boarding school and we have the same room. We don't mind if we see each other in our underwear or completely naked. But my judy likes to pick on me. Anyways I'm doing this in my free time  and only have an hour. Owwww. She just gave me a wedgie sitting down. Ok she left. We were talking showers in the morning and I didn't have any more clean pants so I was stuck with very tight jeans. I go into the room (naked) and my sister (naked) goes in to take a shower. I open my underwear drawer and see that I'm out of clean white briefs. So I'm stuck with my cartoon briefs. They were ben ten and Thomas the train. So I picked ben ten. So I was stuck with ben ten briefs and very tight jeans. I was surprised the briefs fit perfectly. Just as I was pulling up my pants judy came in and saw what I was wearing. She was still mad at me because the other day I spilled chocolate milk all over her and she had to barrow clothes from the school until gym.(you are allowed to go back to your room during gym.) She is telling me not to post what she was wearing on here.ok my sister is kinda taking over. Max isn't a bad brother but sometimes he gets me really mad. He is in a chair wedgie. Ok letteng him go. Now we are both naked. Ok so any ways he went to his class and I went to mine. During math class witch we have the same in fifth grade he was solving a really big math problem. So any ways. He drops the chalk pen and bends down to get it. His pants start to slip down. So now you could see the waist band. He is done with the problem and explains how and why he got the answer. The teacher told him he forgot something . So he turns around and drops the chalk pen again. Hes pants start to fall a little more. Now you could see the 10 and the hand on his underwear. Some start giggling.he fixes the problem and goes to sit down. I sit right behind him. Now you could see the whole face of ben ten. Now it's time for lunch. I walk up behind him and(max here) she pulls down my pants. Now the whole fifth grade knows what I'm wearing. She gives me a big atomic wedgie and wraps my underwear nicely over my head. Nothing ripped. She takes my pants and put them in her back pack. Every one is laughing at me. Judy blind folds me and puts me in a hanging wedgie. I don't know where but then she dumps my lunch into my underwear. First she dumps all the syrup. Then she adds some sugar and the fire ants. That was in the front of my underwear. In the back she emptied a whole big pack of toothpaste up my crack. The toothpaste starts burning the fire ants are biting and I can't yell for help because she blind folded me and gagged me with my pants.I didn't know what to do. The toothpaste really hurt I feel all sticky. And every one is laughing at me. I was embarrassed about it. My butt turned red after judy spanked me so hard alot. Finally she let me down. Gym was in two minutes. I was so relieved and thought she was going to let me go. But then she hooked the gym climbing ropes to my underwear added more toothpaste and fire ants. Then she lifted me up giving me a huge crane wedgie. I hung for hours since the ropes are kept in the back. When the gym teacher opened the door to get the ropes she and the rest of the fifth grade saw me. I was bright red and sooooooooo embarrassed. At the end.of the day my sister showed me the video. I ran into the shower and started crying alot. My sister thn cam in and deleted it in front of me. She helped my naked body up and hugged me. She apologized and we played video games naked for the rest of the night. The loser got a 100 spanks however the winner wanted it I won and spanked her with my belt. Then she won and spanked me with an electronic fly swatter. Then we fell asleep and the teacher had to wake us up. We were naked. But we don't care cuz it is the same teacher we buys us underwear and clothes. 

  10.  505637, when you saw each other's cute butts and took pictures, did you post pictures of you naked with hot briefs and boxers I could look at?

  11.  Ill make it short. During 7 grade,I was at a sleepover, with my friends, and we had our shirts off to check out each other's bodies to see who had the hottest. I went upstairs to the bathroom, only to walk in on my friend in red boxers. He tried to leave, but tripped and pulled down his boxers in the process, showing me his butt. He tried to grab my hand to get pulled up, but instead just pulled down my shorts, so he saw me in my light blue briefs. He stands up and turns around, still naked. In the process of pulling him up, I accedentially stepped on his hands, so I needed to pull up his boxers. We laughed awkwardly.  In order to make it fair he told me to show him my naked butt, which he silently takes a picture of, then I pull up my briefs and he takes a picture of me with my briefs on, then tells me to do the same. I do, and we text the pictures to each other later that day. Before we went home, he suggested to our friends that we all show each other out underwear, which lifted the mood. At least he didn't see my junk.

  12.  I am catholic and finially recieved my sacrement of  First holy communion.I was in the class with the 7 and 8 year olds and per the parish dress code,had to wear a poofy communion dress,veil,gloves,lace anklets and white mary jane shoes.Under my dress i had to wear a cloth diaper,plastic pants and under shirt.At my party,i was standing in our living room holding hands with my crush and there were quite a few other friends and relatives around.Mom came over with three of my older female cousins and lifted up the front of my dress and showed them my diaper and plastic pants and my crush saw them also and i was so embarrassed!

  13.  My third grade teacher and my mom became friends and one Saturday they planned to go shopping together. I spent the morning engrossed in cartoons and ignored whatever my mom said. The sound of my teacher's voice snapped me out of it. She and my mom were talking at the front door, and I was still on the couch in my t-shirt and briefs. I slipped into the kitchen heading for the back stairs, staying low so I wouldn't be seen; only to literally run into her going for coffee. She had her daughter, who was in the fourth grade, with her. I was mortified that they were seeing me in my underwear! My teacher giggled and smirked and her daughter laughed as I stooped and tried to cover my underpants with my hands. My mother exclaimed that she had told me an hour ago to put some clothes on. I bolted up the stairs to my room and shut the door. I could hear them laughing below. 

    I was scolded by my mom later for embarrassing her. Monday at school when she was checking attendance my teacher looked me over and told me she was glad to see that I was wearing clothes today. Even though they had no idea what she meant the whole class erupted in laughter. I got embarrassed all over again, feeling as if I were sitting there in my underwear.

  14. i was pansted while wearing a diaper

  15. nope

  16. im a 14 y/o boy, this story is about a 14 y/o boy in my class, he is called sean and always saggs his pants, he didn't realize that his pants were below his butt cheeks 'saying i love chicks' . He was talking during the register so the teacher said stand up, his pants were so low they fell of, it was so funny, he went bright red, everyone could see his butt and d**k outline i couldn' believe it : P

  17. in year 1 we were rehearsing for a play and i wet myself during ractice. It gets worse the school had a rule that if something like that happened you couldnt go home but instead you had to wear spare clothes that the school provided including underware. so i was given the uniform and the only underware they had left were these dark pink ones and being a guy this was embarrasing enough but it got worse. The school also had a rule that if you didnt have our PE kit you had to do it in your vest and pants and before this point knowone new i had knickers on. so when i got to the hall with dark pink panties on everyone laughed and to op it all off a girl hd also forgot her kit and was wearin the same panties as me. The worst day ever ! ....

  18. I was in grade 9 up at the chalk board answering a really long math question that took my like almost 10 minutes, and the whole time i heard snikering and giggling and whispers and a few times i dropped the chalk and had to bend over point my amazing a*s at my class when i heard outright laughing, i ignored it not thinking to much about it. When i got back to my desk at the back i noticed that the reason everyone was laughing was beacause my pants came down about 5 inches and my undies got kinda bunched up and were visible, and i mean REALLY visible, the worst part is, im the cute popular blonde girl if i were to fall into any stereotype and i think most people expected me to wear thongs.. but i dont wear thongs..i still wear super kiddish fruit of the loom briefs from the girls undies section in wal-mart. and todays undies happened to be white with cinderella and little blue and pink butterflies on them,  i immediatley went beat red and fixed my undies. but it was tyoo late, im now called "little princess" by everybody and im pantsed EVERY DAY. It doesnt help that all my undies are super kiddish either :(

  19. im a 14 year old boy, when i was at school i was pantsed by my mates with a boner, so i got them back,  i burped in their face and farted on them, it was a long and smelly one too, got em back! ha ha : ) : )

  20. no

  21. When I was 14 at school I was in the girls changeroom getting ready for gym, all the other girls were talking untill I pulled down my pants to put on my shorts, hoping they wouldnt notcie what kind of undies I was wearing, unfortunatley they did, and one girl yelled "OMG kate's wearing hannah montana undies!!" everybody looked at my panties to see my frilly cute good girl white panties white little pink butterflies and guitars on them, along with "Hannah Montana" and "Shining Star" written all over them I was so humiliated! all the girls starting laughing and making fun of me because im the type of girl that isnt kiddish or super girly in fact im a hot stoner chick, so me wearing huge disney briefs was hilarious. they all made fun of me and I just told them to shut u and got ready for gym with a beat red face. we were doing gymnastics and we were in groups at diff. stations. I was at the rope with the guy i like and 2 of my friends who were making fun of my undies. I started to climb the rope and I was doing well untill my friend grabbed onto my huge size 10 barefeet and my other friend yanked down my shorts! and was like "Hey everybody! look at badass kates cute lil undies!" everybody looked and laughed I was so embarrassed, now I get pantsed every single day and im always wearing undies with hannah montana or little mermaid or my little pony on them :( so im known as the girl that wears toddler undies now

  22. hey guest911, what was on ur underwear that they gave complemetns

  23. well i know this kid who is a boy and wears dora diapers, he is pantsed a lot, and he wets himself all the time, hence making him wear diapees. xD

  24. in eighth grade, i was in gym class and some of the other boys pulled my shorts down right after i took my shirt off.  they started laughing because i was wearing some tighty whities.  then one of the boys got all of the girls and saw me in my tighty whities.  they laughed at me and made nasty comments about my package.  and just when i thought things couldn't get worse, one of the boys gave me a HUGE wedgie.  my butt cheeks were totally visible.  next thing i know, i was getting spanked by the girls!  my cheeks turned so red.  everyone took pictures until the gym teacher came in and broke it up.  worst day ever.

  25. In eighth grade I was in the locker room changing after pe class. Several girls burst into the boys locker room. Some of us were in our underwear and others were dressed or half dressed. I guess because I was one of the ones closest to the door and in my underwear, the girls grabbed me and dragged me out the door. They took me out into the gym shouting and whistling for all the next pe class to see. I was in my socks and briefs and was so embarrassed.

    It turned out the girls were playing a little truth or dare in their locker room and I was just the victim of one of their dares. It was one of my most embarrassing moments but I ended up dating one of the girls in tenth grade.

  26. When I was 8 years old I had a girl neighbor my age who was a tomboy. She was real bossy and pushy. One day I decided I had enough and shoved her, which started a fight. To my amazement she was stronger and wrestled better than me. I was soon pinned down, frustrated and exhausted. She tried to get me to say uncle and that she was better than me. I refused.

    She kept holding me down as I struggled. I told her that she would have to let me up sometime. After a few moments she smiled and told me ok. The next thing I knew she was pulling my clothes off! I squirmed, apologized, said uncle, and pleaded but it was no use. By the time she was done with me I was down to my t shirt and briefs! She helped me up and pointed and laughed as I tried to cover my underpants with my hands. Then I just bolted and ran home.

    It was a very humiliating experience.

  27. The most embarrassing one has to be when I was 11. My dad had just gotten remarried and we moved in with his new wife and her 10 year old daughter. One morning my new stepsister was told to wake me up to get ready for school. She and her best friend, who had spent the night, came to my room. Instead of just knocking on the door or shaking me, she screamed right in my ear as she yanked down the bed covers. I sat straight up scared half out of my wits. All I had on was a white t shirt and briefs. They were laughing and I was mad and embarrassed.

    I yelled at them to get out as I tried to pull the covers back over me. My stepsister held on to the covers and a little tug of war ensued. So I took my foot and shoved her hard, knocking her down. Now she was mad. She reached under the covers, grabbed my ankles, dragged me out of bed and onto the floor. She pounced on top of me and began slapping, punching, and scratching me. I tried to roll over to get away from her and then to just cover up. Her friend was still watching on and now my stepmother was on her way up to see what all the commotion was.

    She finds me lying on my stomach,groaning and shrieking in pain, her daughter sitting on my back with me in a hammerlock and pulling my head back by my hair. I was so embarrassed. Not only had I just been beaten up by a girl but my new stepmom and the other girl had seen it... and I was in my underwear!
    She broke it up and made them leave my room. They all laughed about it at breakfast and of course the girls told everyone on the school bus and at school.

  28. once in 8th grade i was wearing some pink hanes briefs and low rise jeans. i was sitting in a chair with my shirt up and i didnt know that a good 1-2 inches was showing from the back. one of my good friends (a girl) noticed and yelled "nice underwear" and gave me a small wedgie.then i just put my shirt down in embarrassment. when i got up to leave, she went behind me and squeezed my butt and smacked it. she said "i really like seeing your underwear". i was so scared and even more embarrassed!

  29. one time i was sitting at my desk and got up and my pants ripped and they were tighty whitey with skidmarks

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