
Embarressing moment with my mother?

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I was changing to get ready for work the other day and my mother accidentally walked in on me to tell me that my best friend just called. Well....she accidentally saw my penor and she said "Wow! You haven't changed much since you were a baby". Should I confront her for not knocking first? She really took a blow to my self-esteem.




  1. nope she is just embarrassed thats all,didn;'t know what else to say at that moment.  she so your penor many times before when you were baby little,  tell her next time to knock when she comes in to your bedroom  . its not such a big deal parents are first who see our private parts when we are born up to age 4

  2.   Don't take it as a blow to your self esteem, she could have thought you were overly endowed as a baby too.  Yeah, stuff like this is embarrassing but you shouldn't let it bother you any.  She has seen your penor several times before and she was probably more embarrassed than you.  I'm sure she will knock next time.

  3. learn  to  knock

  4. Nah - she was probably just embarassed.

    Just make a joke that maybe next time she should knock!

  5. Yes, tell her definitely to knock the next time, but just say it reasonably like- I felt a bit embarrassed and it would be really nice if I was sure that next time you will knock before dashing in :) Cos if parents walks in whilst your naked or something else embarrassing its like 10 times traumatizing then just a friend or stranger. :D  

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