
Embrace the past as great? (I want you all to judge this question)?

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Everyone from the past was good. Including Hitler (not trying to be racist). Think about it.

Everything that happens in the past directly effects how the world will be today (present). If the 3rd reich never existed would we be the same as we are today? Who knows, but we can thank the past for what we have. Both Hitler, and FDR are responsible for this world. So is every other figure head of te past. The good and the bad are what defines today. Not just the good.

I'm not trying to say that the bad things that happened were great, but I am glad they did, for they determined this world today.

Just think about it.




  1. Take a hammer and give your big toe a shot. Let me know what you think about it now and if bad things that happened are great.

  2. The only people who would want to embrace the past as great are those who think the present is great --- which isn't everyone.

    Otherwise, if your present sucks, why would you think the past was good?

  3. Yea, i kno what u mean. In my personal past, alot of bad things happened. So, whenever I'm reminded of these things, i just say to myself, "If that didnt happen, I wouldnt be who I am today. If I didnt go thru a struggle, i wouldnt be able to be proud of myself that i got thru it. What doesnt kill me makes me stronger."

    No matter what, there is always a bright side! Of course Hitler and stuff like that was unfortunate, but I'm sure it happened for a reason. And all the mistakes ppl in the world hav made, we can all learn from them to make the future better ;)

  4. i agree with you there. i think everything happen for a reason; to better tomorrow. If human never made those past mistakes (hitler and such) or accidents, we wouldn't be able to live in the world we live in now.  

  5. For a long time nobody considered the bubonic plague to be something that could possibly benefit future generations, but if you think about it, it did. The bubonic plague killed fifty percent of the population of Constantinople and also killed 30% of the population of towns and cities across Europe when it first broke out. If each one of those people who got sick had survived to reproduce....that's at least a few billion more people we would have on this earth today. And as nature has showed us time and time again, overpopulation of a species eventually leads to less resources; at that time the strongest of the species dominate the weaker to survive famine and/or any other problems. Just another instance where good comes from bad.

  6. You are exactly right it is the Yin/Yang idea that there must be opposites for the opposites make each other possible and so they are more complimentary than opposites.

    If there is no darkness then what is light. The ultimate point is acceptance, of all things.

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