
Embrassing asthma attack?

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Today at lifeguard training i had a major asthma attack and got so embarassed i hated it. we had been swiiming lenghts and doing tows and my asthma began to act up aliitle but nothing to major im lucky as my sister is my partner and she is very light to tow. Next we had to get our victim out of the pool and start rescue breathing on them, i got my sister out and got her in the postion and started giving her mouth to mouth the more i breathed into her the more worse my asthma got. She said she could feel me not inflating her lungs as much and she could here my wheezing. as soon as i stopped i had a major attack and my sister went and grabed my nebulizer as she set it up and put the mask on me i felt so embarassed and like a geek.

Has anyone else have a major attack while doing rescue breathing i feel like a dumbass!!!




  1. I haven't during rescue breathing, but I did during a band concert in high school! We were in the middle of playing a song, and it got harder and harder to play my clarinet. Finally, I stopped as I was completely out of breath, and then it happened. I was having an asthma attack in the middle of a concert in front of a large audience. My friend next to me noticed, and the band stopped the song so I could be dealt with. It was so incredibly embarrassing! I know exactly how stupid it feels to have an attack in front of everyone!

  2. First off, i've never heard of using a real person to practice rescue breathing

  3. why do you care?! you were like, half dying. You should milk it when you have an attack!!!

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