
Emergency! I have a painful headache. What can I do?

by  |  earlier

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I ate one cheeseburger from McDonald's and half a cup of sweet tea. That was at about 2:00 p.m. I ate a sausage at 7:00 p.m. And I drank a small amount of soda. Maybe 6oz. My head hurts so bad. I can barely hold it up. PLEASE HELP! Could it be what I ate?




  1. The soda probably had triggered some acid formation stress within your ulcer causing headache syndrom. so try to have some ulcer remedy medicine to neutralize the acid.  

  2. ...Uh, try Tylenol or Vicodin?

  3. put a cold, wet rag on your forehead.

    and drink lots of water.

  4. ibuprofen you may have a migraine

  5. o.O  Eat burger King

  6. drink some pepto bismol!

  7. When is the last time you've drank could be dehydrated...just from the things you mentioned that you ate I doubt it has anything to do with that...but you never once said how much water you've drank today so that would be my guess.. I get horrible headaches when I don't drink enough water throughout the day...good luck

  8. smoke some ganga haha

    it worked for me

  9. 1 Excedrin & Mt. Dew.

  10. could be a brain haemorrhage. A person at my work place had his wife die recently. She had terrible headaches then died.

    See ER if it is bad.

  11. Eat about 10-12 almonds. That's as effective as one aspirin.


  13. did any one hit u or bumb your head? if you have any one near you if its going black then tell them to take you to hospital!

  14. possibly try taking advil

  15. Squeeze between your left thumb and pointer finger (in the web part of your hand) kinda hard for a min. or 2.     It just works, I don't know why.

  16. bang ur head on the wall till it dosent hurt any more

    im kiddin take along nap

  17. drink water. most headaches are caused by dehydration. too much salt in your diet or (gasp) too much alcohol will cause these conditions.-blurey

  18. pain killers or ice. I know it sounds weird but it works. Put an ice pack where it hurts and try to sleep.

    It could be what you ate, but if that's typical for you than I would say no. Usually caffeine or a lot of sugar can cause headaches. So it is possible if you are sensitive to that stuff.

  19. rigtht behind the bottoms of your ears there is a soft spot.  get someone to put two,three fingers inthe soft spot on each ear and apply pressure for maybe ten seconds...putting the tips of their fingers and applying a steady push will take care of never fails for me....let me know if it will be amazed...

  20. You have only eaten a burger and a sausage for the past month? Why?

    You should see a doctor, that sounds extremely hard on the body and  unusual behaviour.

    Never, ever take a prescription drug not written for you. A previous answer said take ibuprofen or vicoden. Vicoden is a highly addictive narcotic that can take can kill you.

    That's common knowledge. I take cafergot a non-narcotic migraine drug.  

  21. LOL... omg the exact thing happened to me yesterday. I ate a double cheesburger & a sweet tea from mcdonalds... & this morning I woke up with a huge headache!!! I took 2 extra stregnth tylenol & it helped the headache a little, but not completely... I would try maybe excedrin instead!!!

    I think what happens is that tea has so much freaking caffeine & sugar in it, that it gives instant headaches!!!

  22. Tons of fat and empty carbs/sugar in your diet. I'd eat a slice of toast (preferably whole wheat) with a tiny bit of butter for taste, drink a bit of milk, put a cool washrag on my forehead, and get at least eight hours of sleep. The cool rag will instantly ease the headache, and laying down will take all pressure off the muscles in your neck and shoulders. Also, put some cool water on your night stand to sip when you wake up during the night. I hope you feel better by morning!

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