
Emergency!!! PLEASE HELP ME!

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well i always get sore b***s a week before period due i always like that in my life since first period in 2001.. my b***s should be sore from last thursday but i dont have sore b***s for 7 days now =S im jus worry.. my period due today but i still dont get period yet.. my last s*x was 1 week ago with my boyfriend of 6 months we had s*x for 2 weeks with unprotected every days but he pulled out..

and yesterday morning i had discharge.. so what happen?? am i pregnant or what??




  1. Let me just ask my magic 8 ball...

    why yes you are pregnant.. no need to get a real test...?

    unprotected s*x = babies

  2. The only way you will know if your pregnant for sure is by taking a home pregnancy test or better yet going to the doctor and taking one of there pregnancy tests.

    Since you are about a day past getting your period this would be the best time to take a pregnancy test.

    Good luck.

    Also, if you have discharge that isn't the normal milky clear kind that comes out from your v****a cleaning itself than you might have some sort of infection down in your female area.

    If you have yellow or green discharge and/or really chunky or really think discharge that also means you have an infection.

    If it hurts to pee, or burns or itches down there you could also have an advice simply is GO TO THE DOCTOR.

    That's your best bet.

  3. just wait a little more and take a blood test and if u do not want to get pregnant use pills  

  4. the only way you will know for sure is if you take a pregnancy test

  5. well if it's always been always been at the same time, then yea. my ex and i always had these pregnancy scares because her period would always change around. but if yours is at the same time every month, then maybe. might wanna either take a plan b pill. it's too early for a pregnancy test.

  6. yes most likely. See there are these things called condoms...............

  7. always use protection

    you dont want something happening

    thats not planned

    cause theres always a discharge before a

    guys bust even if he pulls out there is still a

    bigg risk

  8. I will be honest with you, me and my man pulled out and I have a 8 week old baby now, so I would have to say go and take a test. but there is a big possibility that you are not and you are just late due to the irritation of your cervices.

  9. well go get a home prgnancy test....thats the only way you will know for sure

  10. OMG!!!!!.... it could be that you are pregnant've been doing it for 2 wks and during that time you are still in your fertility period. and having withdrawal method is not safe...because thats the most dangerous method. i know a lot of friends who got pregnant accidentally because they use withdrawal method. just cross your fingers that you are not preggy  

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