
Emigrating abroad at about 18-22???

by  |  earlier

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i want to move to australia or something, ill have qualifications (btec natiotnal certificate) and that. how hard is it to get a visa and a work placement etc? anyone know anything about it or got any advice?




  1. you have to be skilled and experienced in an occupation Australia is looking for,pass a points test,medical and criminal check

  2. Age should not be a problem, as long as you have the right qualifications.

    You do need to check the immigration website, and apply for the "correct" Visa.

    Join one of the migration forums or get a migration agent, either way should help in pointing you in the right direction.

  3. well it depends where you come from, you're probably from the states so it shouldnt be that difficult to get a visa. ive not only traveled but have lived all over the world, now living in the netherlands. i originally come from iran, n i tell you one thing, it's pretty hard to get around having iranian nationality. anyway, it all depends on your education, and what kind of work you're looking for. go on the internet n look for jobs there, find ones that suit you best, (i hope you have a good college degree) then you could just have possibly the company you intend to work for take care of most of the legal stuff for you. hope that helped

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