
Emo clothing advise? =l please

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ok so through the summer ive gone through lots of emotional pain. I couldnt smile anymore, i couldnt stop crying etc. then i started to like the emo style. i like it alot actually. I have lots of ideas of different outfits i can wear. but, when i get back to school (grade 9) i dont suddenly want to be called a "poser.." it will only make me more fustrated. i know im supposed to do it gradually, but i dont know how. =l any advice on how?




  1. i just HATE emo style! it's SO silly! what do you like about it???

  2. if your asking advice on "emo" clothing you're obviously a poser


    okay few things

    1. skinny jeans will be your new best friend

    2. scene hair is the most important thing, clothes are a close second

    3. MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC, if you dress the part, you better have knowledge of it too

    4. BAND TEES ARE A MUST, and make sure there good bands.  None of this mcr stuff you ppl call music.

    5. don't try to act all emo. thats the 1 thing i hate the most

    after you find what your looking for just do the research and you'll be fine.

  3. Try wearing tight clothes, ones with lots of zippers, black, white hoodies etc. i dont really know considering im a guy i know lots of styles for guys =/ but that doesnt help sorry i couldnt be more helpful

  4. Don't wear emo, it looks unhappy, desolate and teenagerish (yes, I know you're young).

    If you don't feel like wearing bright, colourful clothes, that's ok. But wear something with more elegance, vulnerability and coverage (mystery) to it.

  5. Where whatever you want. Be yourself. Create your own style. If you like the "emo" style then base your own style off of it. But don't just copy someone else's idea of a style, because then you WILL get called a poser. Just wear what you want.  

  6. ugh. another one.

    okay- well since you're hitting highschool- you'll have more people there that you DONT know- then people you DO know. SO- if you go to the school just dressed emo- everyone else will think you've been like that for a while.

    and for people you DO know- well if you've got a myspace- take a few pictures wearing those clothes- poeple you know will see them, and realize you're wearing them. and you probably wont see most of the other pople you know. and if you come to school 1 way- and then change after a month or two- people will think you're more of a poser.

  7. ok well goin back to school is the best time to do something dramatic like that... i kinda did that and everyone kliked it but id say act like your emo dont pose

  8. ok, Emo style is awesome.. people wont call you poser.. TRUST me.. everyone luvs the emo style in my school but not too extreme like piercings n stuff.. but doesnt mean they're all emo o_o' .. its just for style.. wear whatever you think looks good and edgy n make sumthing ur own .. just dont ACT extra and actually BE emo cuz yeah ppl really will call u poser u kno wat i mean? just like when you see those wangsters trying to be gangsters..dont be something ur not.. so just say u like the style =S ..DONT BE EMO just because you went through a lil pain during the summer .. that is idiotic =P

  9. In the grand scheme of things what they think doesn't matter.  If you want to express what's going on inside through your clothing, go for it.  I do think you should try to find some constructive ways to let that stuff out though - painting or song writing.

  10. Um, you'll only relentlessly get called wrist cutter girl. Because I did that in the second year of highschool and this is how it went:

    Daily Total

    "*Bumps into* whoops, sorry, got blacked out by your emoness."-3 times

    "NAWW WHY ARE YOU EMO." - 5 times

    "Wrist cutter girl."-2 times

    "So, what's your accessory of choice? Stanley knife or scissors? Better yet, a razor?" - 4 times

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