
Emotional for no reason ?!

by  |  earlier

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i never thought of myself as an emotional person before. i mean, i had my moments, but never like this. lately, i can't stop crying. i cry when a sad movie comes on, i cry when a romance comes on, a sad song, even when i think about the guy i'm in love with, who also happens to be my besty. it's really starting to get irritating, and i can't stop. is it just me, or is anyone else like this?! should i see a counselor or will this eventually go away? advice would be appreciated !




  1. Have you takin a pregnancy test?  

  2. Awe, well how old are you?

    It might be hormones.

  3. its happening to me too i think its hormones or something idk...

  4. Do you ingest alot of soy-based products?  Check your diet if you have recently added anything that would coincide with the timing of all this.

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